Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
In the current issue of GI-Mail we present various courses and conferences dealing with trauma surgery, surgical oncology, nutrition/diabetes and international health to you. In the Special Section you will find "App GASTEIN 2016". This event will focus on health apps and their place in European health.
If you are interested in a new job or a training position for MDs in Germany or Austria and have a good knowledge of the German language, take a look at our Jobs & Career Offers. More jobs can be found in our monthly Job-Newsletter and on the Going International homepage. Visit us on Facebook – you will find weekly updated news on topics related to medicine and health. Kind regards, Gerhard Polak, MD
P.S.: Send GI-Mail to a friend .
ISSN: 2312-0827

Workshop in Visceral Trauma Surgery
19th to 20th September 2016, Graz, Austria. The next Workshop in Visceral Trauma Surgery, Definitive Surgery for Trauma Care, will be held at the Section for Surgical Research, Medical University of Graz, with a distinguished faculty including international experts. This workshop is designed to review state-of-the-art information on the diagnosis and management of severely injured patients. The symposium provides the newest in-depth information in the field of gastrointestinal and visceral injuries... read more
Public Health Research in Practice: Public Health Interventions in Real-Life Settings – Evaluation
24th to 25th October 2016, Wageningen, The Netherlands. In the past ten years, Academic Collaborative Centres (ACC) have been established to bridge the gap between the fields of policy, practice and research. These ACCs are consortia of Public Health Services and Universities in the Netherlands. At present there are nine ACCs in the field of public health. The aim of this master class series is to make knowledge and experiences acquired in these ACCs available for public health professionals and researchers... read more
Pregnancy and Programming and Later Risk of Obesity Related Disease
12th to 16th December 2016, Frederiksberg, Denmark.
The course will build on the understanding of the developmental origins of obesity and related diseases. It will provide a comprehensive overview of the latest developments with regard to mother-infant nutritional programming research and to offer advise on prevention, diagnosis and management of early nutrition and adult diseases. In addition it will enhance the understanding of the complex interactions between nutrient, genetics and biological factors during pregnancy... read more

36th ESSO Congress
14th to 16th September 2016, Krakow, Poland.
The 36th Congress of the European Society of Surgical Oncology in partnership with the Polish Society of Surgical Oncology will be held in Krakow.
Focusing on bridging the disparity between minimum standards of care across Europe, the overarching theme of the congress is ‘Optimising European Cancer Surgery’. Communication with patients and knowledge amongst our patients is rapidly changing... read more
16th International Nutrition & Diagnostics Conference
3rd to 6th October 2016, Prague, Czech Republic.
The International Nutrition & Diagnostics Conference – INDC 2016 is an international forum for scientific discussion focused on understanding the relationship and connections between nutrition and clinical diagnostics.
The aim of this multidisciplinary conference is to bridge the gaps between the specialists and fields of science as diverse as nutrition, clinical biochemistry, food technology, analytical chemistry and medicine... read more
World Health Summit 2016
9th to 11th October 2016, Berlin, Germany.
Held once a year, the WHS is a prominent forum for addressing global health issues. It brings together key leaders from academia, politics, civil society, and the private sector to address the most pressing health-related challenges on the planet.
The vision behind the World Health Summit is to improve health all over the planet, catalyzing that process through collaboration and open dialogue, and steering tomorrow’s agenda to improve research, education, healthcare, and policy outcomes... read more

10th European Lupus Meeting 5th to 10th October 2016, Venice, Italy Find more information here. Human Rights in Humanitarian Crises 17th to 21st October 2016, Geneva, Switzerland Find more information here.
Introduction to Cancer: Focus on Solid Tumors 19th to 20th October 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA Find more information here.
3rd Congress on Controversies in Thrombosis and Hemostasis 20th to 22nd October 2016, Moscow, Russia Find more information here. Spinal Imaging Course 2nd to 3rd November 2016, Oswestry, United Kingdom Find more information here.
10th Heidelberg Castle Live Surgery Meeting 10th to 11th November 2016, Heidelberg, Germany Find more information here.

Eczema Tracker
by Redblink Inc. Eczema Tracker is a simple and informative app that helps you view, track, and analyze your eczema, food allergy, and other triggers information, like no other app. The eczema app provides your local pollen, mold, weather, humidity information to help you analyze your eczema or allergy symptoms, and track your triggers to help you identify patterns in your flare-ups.
Eczema Tracker gives you information based on your particular situation. You can use Eczema Wizard to get the advice and information that helps you manage your eczema symptoms... read more
NEW event: AppGASTEIN 2016
On 27 September we will reach out to a relatively new community within the healthcare sector: the app developers. Before the European Health Forum Gastein 2016 opens its doors, this will be a unique and new opportunity for multi-stakeholder consulting – with a specific aim. AppGASTEIN 2016: “Here to stay? Health apps and their place in European health systems” will map out some of the grey areas of the mHealth landscape. How much regulation is needed in order to smoothly integrate health apps into daily medical practice, while securing patients‘ safety and allowing doctors to feel confident about recommending, prescribing or monitoring the use of apps... read more

Jobs and Career in Germany or Switzerland
If you are a medical specialist or a medical assistant with good knowledge of the German language (level C1), apply now at Going International for these specialities:
- Internal medicine
- Neurology
- Anesthesia
- Radiology
If you are interested please send us your detailed CV as a Word-document to office@goinginternational.org. Please write in the subject line: "GI-Mail 08/2016".
You can also find a wide range of job vacancies in the German Job Newsletter.
Facharzt Allgemeinmedizin/Innere Medizin als Hausarzt (w/m) im MVZ Hamburg/Bremen
Für ein Medizinisches Versorgungszentrum mit den Fachrichtungen Allgemeinmedizin und Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde suchen wir einen berufserfahrenen Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin oder Innere Medizin als Hausarzt (w/m).
Sie sind Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin oder Innere Medizin, idealerweise mit Schwerpunkt Gastroenterologie oder Diabetologie und verfügen über profunde Kenntnisse im Fachgebiet. Sie arbeiten gerne im Team und profitieren vom aktiven interkollegialen Austausch und schätzen eine hohe Flexibilität in der Arbeitszeitregelung... read more
Personalleiter (w/m)
 Wir suchen einen berufserfahrener Personalleiter (w/m) mit einer menschlich überzeugenden Persönlichkeit sowie einer fachlich qualifizierten Ausbildung. Sie verfügen über über Organisationsstärke, Planungs- und Steuerungskompetenz. Ihre Kenntnisse in den Bereichen Steuer- und Arbeitsrecht sowie bei Gehaltsabrechnung und Sozialversicherung sind auf aktuellem Status und daher anwendungssicher. Kenntnisse im Programm "KIDICAP" sowie Erfahrung und Know-how im Abrechnungswesen des kirchlichen Dienstes (AVR) sind von Vorteil... read more
Oberarzt (w/m) Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenheilkunde
Gesucht wird ein berufserfahrener Facharzt für Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenheilkunde (w/m) mit einer der Position entsprechend hoch qualifizierten fachlichen Erfahrung und Expertise.
Der neue Stelleninhaber soll Interesse daran haben, sowohl chirurgisch als auch konservativ im gesamten Fachgebiet tätig zu sein. Einen Schwerpunkt stellt die Nasennebenhöhlenchirurgie dar.
Wir erwarten neben Ihrer Teamfähigkeit eine hohe Sozialkompetenz. Sie zeigen Ihr Engagement durch Einfühlungsvermögen und Eigenständigkeit im ärztlichen Handeln... read more
Facharzt (m/w) für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie
Wir suchen Ärztinnen und Ärzte für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie
Sind Sie an Psychosomatik und Therapie „pur“ interessiert? Steht für Sie die persönliche Arbeit mit Ihren Patienten an erster Stelle?
Wenn Sie diese Fragen ansprechen und Sie in der therapeutischen Anwendung von psychosomatischer Medizin hoch motiviert sind, dann sollten Sie sich mit uns in Verbindung setzen.... read more
Chefarzt Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe (w/m)
Gesucht wird ein berufserfahrener Facharzt für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe (w/m) mit einer hervorragend qualifizierten ärztlichen Führungspersönlichkeit.
Erforderlich ist eine ausgewiesene Kompetenz in den Bereichen Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe mit einer breiten nachweislich praktischen Erfahrung... read more
Communication Tips: Explicit Highlighting
 Are you a professional or a pre-professional in the medical sector? Do you use a second or foreign language at work? It is not only important to provide patients with small pieces of information and check their understanding by studying their verbal and non-verbal responses, you can improve the quality of your communication by timing your information well and explicitly highlighting certain components of your message. Explicit highlighting means verbally drawing attention to a particular point. This can be similar to signposting, but makes explicit that what follows is something that requires attention... read more