Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! In the current newsletter we present to you courses and congresses covering a variety of topics, ranging from social determinants of health and assessing health in emergency situations to abdominal radiology. We would like to draw your attention to our conference "Health Care Communication in Intercultural Settings: From Challenge to Success". Register soon, registration closes on 22nd May 2017. In our specials section we present to you an experience report about working in Lesotho.
If you are interested in a new job or a training position for MDs in Germany or Austria and have a good knowledge of the German language, take a look at our jobs & career offers. More jobs can be found in our monthly job newsletter and on the Going International homepage. Visit us on Facebook – you will find weekly updated news on topics related to medicine and health. Kind regards,
Gerhard Polak, MD
P.S.: Send GI-Mail to a friend.
ISSN: 2312-0827

UCL Health and Society Summer School: Social Determinants of Health
3rd to 7th July 2017, London, United Kingdom.
 The summer school is organised by the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health. It provides an in-depth assessment of the social determinants of health from a global research, policy and governance perspective. Participants will have numerous opportunities for discussion over the one week course. Professor Sir Michael Marmot will open the summer school with a presentation on the social determinants of health and close the week with a lecture and discussion on national and international policy development... read more
Assessing Public Health in Emergency Situations (APHES)
3rd July to 14th July 2017, Brussels, Belgium.
 This 2-week course aims to familiarize health professionals with epidemiological techniques to assess the health impact of disasters and conflicts on affected communities. Interactive classes will be given by international experts with extensive experience in humanitarian settings. These will be complemented by exercise sessions where the concepts taught will be put into practice... read more
MSc in Nanotechnology for Medicine and Health Care
Start: October 2017, Oxford, United Kingdom.
 Oxford’s new MSc in Nanotechnology for Medicine and Health Care builds on the world-leading research in nanomedicine at the University’s Institute of Biomedical Engineering and other departments in the Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences (MPLS) Division and Medical Sciences Division. This advanced modular course is delivered by leading scientists and experts in this field and has been specifically designed for those who would value a part-time modular learning structure, for example those in full-time employment, both in the UK and overseas... read more

Health Care Communication in Intercultural Settings: From Challenge to Success
7th June 2017, Vienna, Austria.
We would like to invite you to the conference „Health Care Communication in Intercultural Settings: from Challenge to Success“. The one-day-conference is taking place at Kardinal König Haus in Vienna on June 7th, 2017, 9 AM – 5 PM.
At this conference, renowned experts will present their research findings in health care communication and share their practical experiences with successful language training as prerequisite for integration. Register soon, the registration closes on 22nd May 2017... read more
6th International Congress on Neuropathic Pain
15th to 18th June 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden. The 6th International Congress on Neuropathic Pain (NeuPSIG 2017) is an international forum that provides the latest research and developments in understanding the mechanisms, assessment, prevention and treatment of neuropathic pain. The preceding five "NeuPSIG" congresses have gathered more than 6000 interacting delegates representing the five continents. In keeping with tradition, recent advances in basic science as well as the management of neuropathic pain will be addressed by world-renowned experts at the congress... read more
ESGAR 2017: Precision and Performance in Abdominal Radiology
20th to 23rd June 2017, Athens, Greece.The upcoming meeting in Athens builds on the success of previous ones, providing high quality education, demonstrating developments and innovations in abdominal diagnostic and interventional radiology, presenting research activities and facilitating exchange of experience and ideas. The ESGAR 2017 Program Committee Members have designed a new exciting program. The postgraduate course, a major educational activity, on “Imaging the post-operative Abdomen” addresses the challenges in every day clinical practice when dealing with imaging evaluation of patients after surg ery... read more

22nd Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science 5th to 8th July 2017, Bochum, Germany Find more information here.
4th Allergies Conference in London 6th to 7th July 2017, London, United Kingdom Find more information here.
2nd Junior ESGAR Summer School 17th to 21st July 2017, Modica, Italy Find more information here.
Echocardiographic Symposium at Vail 24th to 27th July 2017, Vail, CO, USA Find more information here. 3rd World Congress on Thyroid Cancer 27th to 30th July 2017, Boston, MA, USA Find more information here.
Analysing Disrupted Health Systems in Countries in Crisis 14th to 25th August 2017, Amsterdam, Netherlands Find more information here.

Among Shepherds and Blankets – My Experiences as a Volunteer in the Mountain KingdomBy Bianca Klee.
 Waking up every morning with a beautiful sunrise over the green mountains has been a dream come true for me. Every morning, I appreciate the marvelous view from my window on the mountains of Thaba-Tseka (Lesotho). Nature can be very powerful and spectacular here. The weather can change abruptly from bright and sunny to dark and mysterious.
I came to Thaba-Tseka as a volunteer with “Weltwärts”, a German organization supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development Germany (BMZ). "Weltwärts” is a platform with projects on different subjects related to development aid for young people between the age of 18 and 28... read more
HIV Test-and-Treat: Are the 90 - 90 - 90 targets set for 2020 within reach?
Get Tested! Know your HIV Status! Slogans we hear a lot from the ambitious treatment target “90-90-90” introduced by UNAIDS in 2013. It means 90% of people who are HIV infected will be diagnosed, 90% of people who are diagnosed will be on antiretroviral treatment and 90% of those who receive antiretroviral will be virally suppressed by 2020.
If we reach this goal, the end of AIDS by 2030 is within reach. The concept 90-90-90 is intended to galvanise national and global action to control HIV and end the AIDS epidemic by 2030. One crucial part of this plan is bringing HIV treatment to all who need it... read more
Call for tender for the evaluation of „Aktion Deutschland Hilft"Appeal to support the population affected by Hurricane Matthew.On 4 October 2016, Hurricane Matthew violently struck Haiti and
affected at least 20 percent of the territory mainly in Grande-Anse and Sud Departments, as well as Nippes, Sud-Est, Ouest and Nord Ouest Departments. Being a category 4 hurricane and with wind speeds up to 250 km/h, it was one of the strongest to take place the last decade. Since the beginning of 2017 the organisations are – among others – focusing on the rehabilitation of health care centres and schools, and are running livelihood and disaster risk reduction (DRR) projects to foster and enhance community resilience... read more

Fach-/Oberarzt (w/m) für Radiologie Berlin
Für ein renommiertes Krankenhaus im südlichen Umland von Berlin wird zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt ein Facharzt (m/w) für Diagnostische Radiologie, gegebenenfalls als Oberarzt (m/w), gesucht.
Diese Position soll mit einer sozial kompetenten sowie fachlich hochqualifizierten Persönlichkeit besetzt werden, die über profunde Kenntnisse im gesamten Spektrum der Radiologie verfügt... read more
Oberarzt (w/m) Intensivmedizin Berlin

Für den Fachbereich Intensivmedizin wird - zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt - ein Facharzt (m/w) für Innere Medizin (bevorzugt) oder für Anästhesiologie oder für Chirurgie zwingend mit Zusatzbezeichnung Intensivmedizin als Oberarzt (m/w) mit Chefarztvertretung gesucht...
Diese Position soll mit einer sozial kompetenten sowie fachlich qualifizierten Persönlichkeit besetzt werden, die über profunde Kenntnisse im gesamten Spektrum der Intensivmedizin verfügt... read more
Doctopia Jobs
Oberarzt (w/m), Celenus Klinik Schömberg FA für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie oder FA Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie oder FA für Innere Medizin mit Zusatzbezeichnung Psychotherapie Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.
Leitender Arzt (w/m), Celenus Teufelsbad Fachklinik FA für Innere Medizin und Rheumatologie/ Internistischer Rheumatologe Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.
Oberarzt (w/m), Celenus Teufelsbad Fachklinik FA für Innere Medizin und Hämatologie/ Internistischer Onkologe Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.
Facharzt (w/m) Psychiatrie
Für ein versicherungsmedizinisches Dienstleistungszentrum im Nordwesten der deutschsprachigen Schweiz suchen wir dringend einen erfahrenen Facharzt (w/m) Psychiatrie.
Zu Ihren Aufgabengebieten zählen medizinische Beurteilungen von Leistungsgesuchen an die Invalidenversicherung, Gutachten und/oder Untersuchungsaufträge an externe Stellen in Zusammenarbeit mit den behandelnden Haus- und Fachärzten... read more
Chefarzt (w/m) Innere Medizin / Kardiologie
 Für die Leitung einer Fachklinik Innere Medizin mit ca. 80 Betten wird zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt ein Facharzt (w/m) für Innere Medizin/Kardiologie gern mit Zusatzbezeichnung gesucht.
Erwartet werden ausgewiesene fachliche und soziale Kompetenz, der Position entsprechend ausgeprägte Führungsqualitäten sowie mehrjährige Erfahrungen in einer oberärztlichen Position. Geboten wird ein unbefristeter Vertrag mit attraktiver Vergütung und großzügigen Fort- und Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen... read more
Jobs and Career in Germany or Austria
If you are a medical specialist or a medical assistant with good knowledge of the German language (level C1), apply now at Going International for these specialities:
- Internal medicine
- Neurology
- Anesthesia
- Radiology
If you are interested please send us your detailed CV as a Word-document to office@goinginternational.org. Please write in the subject line: "GI-Mail 05/2017".
You can also find a wide range of job vacancies in the German job newsletter.
Communication Tip: Consistency
Are you a professional or a pre-professional in the medical sector? Do you use a second or foreign language at work?
In most cases, nonverbal behaviour supports verbal behaviour. In other words, we try to send the same message through both verbal and nonverbal channels.
However, if the two contradict each other - with words saying one thing, while body posture, eye contact and smiles suggest another - people tend to believe the nonverbal message more than the verbal message... read more