Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! In the new edition of GI-Mail we present you courses and conferences covering a variety of topics, ranging from Cardiology and Pregnancy to Public Health.
We would like to draw your attention to the special of the month, where you will find an interesting experience report about an elective in the Seychelles and an article about the conference outcomes of the European Health Forum Gastein.
Take a look at our new section - "News". There you can read about the latest trends and news from the medicine and health sectors.
If you are interested in a new job or a training position for MDs in Germany or Austria and have a good knowledge of the German language, take a look at our jobs & career offers. More jobs can be found in our monthly job newsletter and in the Going International job database. Visit us on Facebook – you will find weekly updated news on topics related to medicine and health.
Kind regards,
Gerhard Polak, MD
P.S.: Send GI-Mail to a friend.
ISSN: 2312-0827
The Health Effects of Climate ChangeStart: 3rd January 2019, free online course.Our world’s climate is changing. Of the top twenty hottest years ever recorded, sixteen have occurred in the last two decades. This warming has already had a profound effect. Many feel powerless in the face of this challenge, but you can make a difference. By looking at air quality, nutrition, infectious diseases, and human migration, this course will show you how increases in greenhouse gases impact public health... read more
Pregnancy and Programming and Later Risk of Obesity28th January to 1st February 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark.The course on pregnancy and programming and later risk of obesity will build on the understanding of the developmental origins of obesity and related diseases. It will provide a comprehensive overview of the latest developments with regard to mother-infant nutritional programming research and will give advice on prevention diagnosis and management of early nutrition and adult diseases... read more |
Health Economics for Public Health Practice and Research8th to 10th April 2019, Bangor, United Kingdom.
This 2-day short course in Health Economics for Public Health Practice and Research will take place from 8th to 10th April 2019, building on 20 years of our experience in teaching health economics to public health practitioners and those undertaking research in public health. At the end of this short course delegates will have gained an appreciation of the concepts, methods and application of health economics to public health, be able to critically appraise a published economic evaluation of a public health intervention and feel confident in speaking about potential return on investment from public health programmes... read more |
2nd European Conference of Health Workforce Education & Research9th to 10th January 2019, Dublin, Ireland.We are very pleased to announce that the 2nd European Conference of Health Workforce Education & Research will take place at the Royal College of Surgeons in Dublin, Ireland on Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th January 2019. Hosted in collaboration with the RCSI Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, the International Network for Health Workforce Education holds the conference to promote interdisciplinary co-operation and critical understanding of the latest research in the fields of health workforce education, training and development... read more |
International Congress on Innovative Aproaches in Head and Neck Oncology (ICNHO) 2019
14th to 16th March 2019, Barcelona, Spain.This biennial congress promises once again to provide a unique platform for the dissemination of the most relevant and cutting-edge science and innovation in the field of head and neck oncology. This congress has been shaping up to be a major international event in promoting multidisciplinarity in this oncology field.The format of the meeting will include prestigious invited “state of the art lectures”, lectures on the latest innovative approaches, proffered papers and poster presentations of new data in the field of head and neck oncology... read more |
European Heart Rhythm Association Congress 2019
17th to 19th March 2019, Lisbon, Portugal.Having a yearly meeting gives European Heart Rhythm Association ( EHRA) the best opportunity to present cutting-edge research and clinical findings to a wide range of practitioners from around the globe. We are developing a top-quality programme designed to provide attendees with the latest trends in science and education in the field of cardiac rhythm disorders and therapies. An emphasis will be placed on innovation, as announced by the theme of the congress... read more |
7th World Congress on Public Health, Nutrition & Epidemiology15th to 16th May 2019, Singapore.The 7th World Congress on Public Health, Epidemiology & Nutrition will be held from May 15-16, 2019 in Singapore. The major theme of the conference is “Empowering Public Health and Advancing Health Equity”. The public health congress is an international forum for academicians, nutritionists, healthcare providers and much more to present their latest research ideas, development and applications in all areas of public health, epidemiology and nutrition... read more
7th IFAD (International Fluid Academy Days) 23rd to 24th November 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Compassionate Mental Health - Finding Sanctuary And Space 27th to 29th November 2018, Skipton, United Kingdom
Health in Detention 10th to 14th December 2018, Basel, Switzerland
18th Annual Caribbean Dermatology Symposium 15th to 19th January 2019, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Shoulder and Elbow Course 19th bis 20th January 2019, Scottsdale, AZ, USA
Improving the Quality of Healthcare Services 18th February to 1st March, Heidelberg, Germany
Seychelles Elective - Experience Reportby Florian Moik.After my 4th year of studies at the Medical University of Graz, Austria, I completed a 4-week-elective at the Medical Department of the Seychelles Hospital in Victoria, Seychelles. My studies in Graz are very skill orientated with many opportunities to gain experience in clinical practice. Despite that, I always wanted to gain as much experience as possible in other countries and systems... read more
EHFG 2018 Outcomes
In early October 2018, 600 leading health policy experts gathered in Austria’s Gastein Valley for the 21st European Health Forum Gastein. This year’s event, with its main theme of “Health and Sustainable Development – Bold Political Choices for Agenda 2030” featured on the Austria EU presidency calendar. Participants agreed on the need to set bold political choices for European health system sustainability and raised concerns about the possible impact of the 2019 European elections on Europe’s health agenda... read more |
Take Action to Prevent the Flu CDC While there are many different flu viruses, flu vaccines protect against the 3 or 4 viruses that research suggests will be most common. Three-component vaccines contain an H3N2, an H1N1 and a B virus... read more | The War at Home ICRC Internal displacement is at an unprecedented global peak. The number of people forcibly displaced within their own countries by armed conflict and other situations of violence has steadily risen in this century... read more
| High-Energy Diet: 5 Ways to Fuel Your Body UNH Our bodies, as many say, are like cars; they need the right kind of fuel to run well. That means an energy diet that provides the proper vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to keep your strength steady throughout the day... read more
| DR Congo: Ebola Claims 24 Lives in One Week Aljazeera The rate of new Ebola cases has more than doubled after rebels forced response efforts to be briefly suspended. At least 33 people have been infected with the deadly Ebola virus... read more
Facharzt (m/w) für Orthopädie und orthopädische Chirurgie mit Spezialisierung Hüfte, Knie- und Fußchirurgie als PraxisnachfolgeFür eine Wahlarztpraxis im Vollbetrieb in Linz mit großem Patientenstamm aus Österreich, Bayern und Südtirol suchen wir als Praxisnachfolge(r) eine/n Facharzt (m/w) für Orthopädie und orthopädische Chirurgie mit Spezialisierung Hüfte, Knie- und Fußchirurgie.Die Ordination ist topmopdern eingerichtet und verfügt über 3 Behandlungsräume, Therapieräume, Sozialraum und Garagenplätze... weiterlesen |
Oberarzt (m/w) für Innere MedizinWir suchen für ein Akutkrankenhaus im österreichisch-schweizerischen Grenzraum eine/n Oberarzt (m/w) für Innere Medizin.
Der künftige Stelleninhaber soll über mehrjährige Erfahrung als Facharzt (m/w) für Innere Medizin sowie Interesse an der breiten Inneren Medizin verfügen und eine teamorientierte, einsatzbereite Persönlichkeit sein... weiterlesen |
Doctopia Jobs: SLK KlinikenArzt Infektiologie und Infektionsprävention (m/w/d) Das Institut für Infektionsprävention und Klinikhygiene betreut in der Region Heilbronn-Franken vier Akutklinikstandorte, eine geriatrische Rehaklinik sowie eine Langzeitpflegeeinrichtung mit Beatmungspflege. Wir beraten die Kliniken und Mitarbeiter in allen Fragen der Prävention und des Managements von Patienten mit Infektionskrankheiten. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.
Assistenzarzt für Viszeral-, Tumor- und Kinderchirurgie (m/w/d) Wir wünschen uns eine Kollegen (m/w/d), welcher sich mit Begeisterung für das Fachgebiet, hoher Motivation sowie der notwendigen Freude für die Weiterentwicklung der Klinik einsetzt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.
Assistenzarzt für Hämatologie, Onkologie, Palliativmedizin (m/w/d) Die Medizinische Klinik III mit den Schwerpunkten Hämatologie/Onkologie und Palliativmedizin verfügt über insgesamt 52 Betten mit einer separaten Palliativstation (8 Betten) sowie über eine Onkologische Ambulanz. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier. |
Chefarzt (m/w) für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe
Wir suchen für eine Frauenklinik mit eigenem Brustzentrum in Nordrhein-Westfalen eine/n Chefarzt (m/w) für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe.Das Klinikum mit knapp 800 Betten ist ein Haus der Schwerpunktversorgung mit 2 Standorten. Pro Jahr werden mehr als 110.000 PatientInnen von ca. 1.900 MitarbeiterInnen versorgt... weiterlesen |
Jobs and Career Offers If you are a medical specialist, a medical assistant or a nurse with good knowledge of the German language (level C1), apply now at Going International for these specialities:
- Internal medicine
- Neurology
- Anesthesia
- Radiology
- Nursing
If you are interested please send us your detailed CV as a Word-document to office@goinginternational.org. Please write in the subject line: "GI-Mail 11/2018".
You can also find a wide range of international job vacancies in the job newsletter.
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