Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

The May-edition of GI-Mail offers you a selection of courses and congresses covering a variety of topics, ranging from Sleep Medicine and Suicide Prevention to International Medicine Research and Practice.

We would like to draw your attention to the special of the month section, where you will find an experience report about a clinical elective in Sri Lanka, information about the Young Forum Gastein 2019 and communication tips for medical professionals.

If you are interested in a new job or a training position for MDs in Germany or Austria and have a good knowledge of the German language, take a look at our jobs & career offers. More jobs can be found in our monthly job newsletter and in the Going International job database.

Visit us on Facebook – you will find weekly updated news on topics related to medicine and health.

Kind regards,

Gerhard Polak, MD

P.S.: Send GI-Mail to a friend.

ISSN: 2312-0827

Sleep: Neurobiology, Medicine, and Society

Start: anytime, online course.
The objective of this course is to give students the most up-to-date information on the biological, personal, and societal relevance of sleep. Personal relevance is emphasized by the fact that the single best predictor of daytime performance is the quality of the previous night's sleep.

The brain actively generates sleep, and the first section of the course is an overview of the neurobiological basis of sleep control... read more

International Medicine Research and Practice

7th to 20th July 2019 + further dates, Oxford, UK.
International Medical Research and Practice

Modern medical practice doesn’t exist in isolation: it’s kept up-to-date and moving forward by the important work of medical scientists. Oxford Royale offers students from around the world the unique opportunity to explore the realms of medical science whilst working in the labs and classrooms of one of the world’s leading research institutions – the University of Oxford.

Students will be taught about the anatomy and pathophysiology of disease within the body’s cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal and nervous systems through lab-based dissections and case-based teaching... read more

Insights into Skin Barrier Function from "In Silico Models"
to "In Vivo Pathology"

11th to 16th August, 2019, Waterville Valley, NH, USA.GRC

The overarching theme of the 2019 GRC is "insights into skin barrier functions from in silico models to in vivo pathology" and the intention is to bring together science leaders from the diverse community of academic and industrial researchers working on the epidermal barrier.

This will include those developing molecular simulations of the stratum corneum, new cell and tissue models, and also those characterizing the in vivo pathological changes in skin barrier function associated with skin and systemic diseases ... read more

30th World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP 2019)

17th to 21st September 2019, Londonderry, Northern Ireland, UK.
30th of World Congress
The theme for IASP 2019 is “Breaking Down Walls and Building Bridges”, a theme that not only resonates with the landmarks in our beautiful city, but also reflects the work we do in suicide prevention and building hope for those in crisis.

In association with Visit Derry, the Western Health & Social Care Trust and Ulster University, we are delighted to be hosting IASP 2019 and look forward to welcoming you...  read more
Quick Tips

Swiss Congress of Radiology - SCR'19
13th to 15th June 2019, St. Gallen, Switzerland

Foundations of Economic Evaluation in Health Care - York Summer Workshop in Health Economic Evaluation
17th to 21st June 2019, York, Great Britain

CARS 2019 Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery - 33rd International Congress and Exhibition
18th to 21st June 2019, Rennes, France

LEAP HR Healthcare: Radical Change Through People
24th to 26th June 2019, Chicago, IL, USA

2nd Cologne Conference on Lung Cancer
26th to 27th June 2019, Cologne, Germany

ESOR ASKLEPIOS Course on Head and Neck Radiology
15th July 2019, Bangkok, Thailand


Call for Newcomer Applications

Apply for the Young Forum Gastein 2019

YFG Logo1st to 5th October 2019, Bad Hofgastein, Austria.

We are pleased to announce that the European Health Forum Gastein will once more offer a limited number of scholarships to young professionals working in the field of health to enable their participation in the #EHFG2019 conference as Young Forum Gastein (YFG) scholars and introduce them to the YFG Network.

A European Health Forum Gastein scholarship is valid for young professionals from universities, national research institutes, ministries or administration bodies or from non-governmental organisations . It covers the EHFG conference registration fee, travel and accommodation expenses and participation in the tailor-made YFG programme 2019... read more


Clinical Elective in Sri Lanka

by Jakob Riedl. Jakob Riedl

In summer 2015 a good friend of mine and I decided to do a clinical elective abroad. After reading plenty of elective reports we chose the Karapitiya Hospital in Galle, Sri Lanka, for our internship. There were a few reasons for our choice.

First of all, English is one of the administrative languages in Sri Lanka. It makes communication particularly between doctors and students much easier. Also, we were curious about the healthcare system in a low-income country and wanted to deepen our knowledge in infectious diseases. Last but not least, the fact that this country offers a great variability in terms of culture and landscape attracted us... read more

Communication Tips - the Skills Used in Active Listening

Are you a medical professional who uses a foreign language at work?Communication Tips – The Skills Used in Active Listening
Do you have a friend who speaks a foreign language at work or has a cultural background different from colleagues/customers?

Active listening involves a number of skills that help facilitate, direct and structure your interaction. Using these skills makes communication more effective and more satisfying for both you and your patients. Facilitative skills are (non)verbal encouragement, silence, repetition, paraphrasing, reflecting feelings, picking up and responding to cues... read more
Circulation and Cellular Activity Restored in a Pig's Brain Hours After Death
Health Europa
Yale scientists have challenged long-held assumptions about the timing & irreversible nature of the cessation of brain functions after death, by restoring cellular activity in a pig’s brain after death.The brain of a post-mortem pig obtained from a meatpacking plant was isolated and circulated with a specially designed chemical solution... read more
Breaking the Childhod Obesity Vicious Cycle: Commission Launches EU Health Award for Cities, NGOs and Schools
European Commission
On 1 April 2019, the European Commission launched the 2019 EU Health Award for cities, NGOs and schools. This year, we aim to reward initiatives seeking to prevent and reduce obesity in children and young people (6-18 years). In 2015, around 1 in 3 children in the EU aged 6-9 years old was overweight... read more
Sleep Myths Damaging Your Health
BBC News
A team at New York University trawled the internet to find the most common claims about a good night's kip. Then, in a study published in the journal Sleep Health, they matched the claims to the best scientific evidence. They hope that dispelling sleep myths will improve people's physical and mental health and well-being... read more
Parkinson's Results Beyond Researchers' Wildest Dreams
BBC News
A quarter of patients have difficulty walking as the disease wears on, often freezing on the spot and falling. Parkinson's UK hailed its potential impact on an aspect of the disease where there is currently no treatment... read more

Oberarzt (m/w/d) für Innere Medizin, Schwerpunkt Gastroenterologie

Für ein modernes Akutkrankenhaus der Grund- und Regelversorgung im Oberarzt (m/w/d) für Innere Medizin, Schwerpunkt GastroenterologieSüden von Baden-Württemberg, nahe an der Schweizer Grenze, suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt einen Oberarzt (m/w/d) für Innere Medizin mit dem Schwerpunkt Gastroenterologie

Geboten werden eine große Gestaltungschance bei der aktiven
Begleitung der Krankenhausneubauplanung und Umsetzung, eine Vergütung nach Verhandlung, mit Erfolgskomponente, eine Tätigkeit im MVZ und vieles mehr... weiterlesen

Chefarzt (m/w/d) für Geriatrie für eine Akutklinik in Baden-Württemberg

Für ein Akutkrankenhaus der Grund- und Regelversorgung in Baden- Chefarzt (m/w/d) Geriatrie für eine Akutklinik in Baden-WürttembergWürttemberg wird für die Leitung im Fachbereich Geriatrie zum 01.12.2019 ein Chefarzt (m/w/d) mit der Zusatzbezeichnung Geriatrie gesucht.

Das moderne Akutkrankenhaus der Grund- und Regelversorgung und akademische Lehrkrankenhaus mit 303 Planbetten und zwölf verschiedenen Fachdisziplinen und Instituten sowie einer großen Notfallambulanz versorgt ca. 18.000 stationäre Patienten und Patientinnen pro Jahr. Ein Krankenhaus-Neubau ist in Planung...weiterlesen

Doctopia Jobs: SLK-Kliniken

Oberarzt für Gefäßchirurgie (m/w/d)
Die Klinik für Gefäß- und Endovascularchirurgie (Stellenplan 1-7,5-7-2) verfügt über ca. 50 Betten und 13,5 OP Säle/Woche, es werden jährlich etwa 2.800 Operationen und Gefäßinterventionen durchgeführt. Der Klinikdirektor verfügt über die volle Weiterbildungsermächtigung für Gefäßchirurgie (48 Monate) und common trunk (24 Monate).
Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.
Doctopia Logo
Ärztliche Leitung der zentralen Notaufnahme im Kollegialsystem (m/w/d)
Sektionsleiter Innere Medizin Zentrale Notaufnahme (m/w/d)
Wir bieten ein attraktives Arbeitsumfeld in einem Neubau eines Großklinikums, eine leistungsfähige Zentrale Notaufnahme, in der jährlich ca. 60.000 PatientInnen versorgt werden, Vergütung nach TV-Ärzte/VKA zzgl. leistungsabhängigem Bonus und vieles mehr.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.

Assistenzarzt für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie (m/w/d)
Die Klinik bildet den orthopädischen Schwerpunkt der SLK-Kliniken und betreibt mit 25 ÄrztInnen 119 Betten. Neben dem zertifizierten Endoprothesenzentrum (EPZmax) und dem regionalen Traumazentrum stellen Wirbelsäulenerkrankungen einen überregionalen Schwerpunkt der Klinik dar.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.

Oberarzt (m/w/d) für diagnostische Radiologie

Wir suchen für ein akademisches Lehrkrankenhaus im Münsterland Oberarzt (m/w/d) für Diagnostische Radiologieeine/n Oberarzt (m/w/d) für Diagnostische Radiologie. Das topmodern ausgestattete Krankenhaus bietet folgende medizinische Fachbereiche: Allgemeine Innere Medizin, Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie, Anästhesie und Intensivmedizin, Gastroenterologie, Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe und andere.

Die Klinik für Diagnostische Radiologie arbeitet eng mit der Abteilung
für Nuklearmedizin zusammen und versorgt ca. 60.000 PatientInnen pro Jahr. Ein großer Teil dieser PatientInnen kommt aus anderen Regionen oder dem Ausland, da durch den Einsatz der daVinci-Technologie attraktive Leistungen angeboten werden können... weiterlesen

Leitender Oberarzt (m/w/d) für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapeutische Medizin

SalzkammergutFür ein Akutkrankenhaus im Raum Salzburg wird zum 01.07.2019 ein Leitender Oberarzt (m/w/d) für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie/ Psychiatrie und Psychotherapeutische Medizin im Zuge einer Altersnachfolgeregelung gesucht.

Das Haus liegt in einer reizvollen Naturlandschaft in beeindruckender Seen- und Bergkulisse. Ein hoher Freizeitwert trifft auf eine gute Infrastruktur. Kindergärten und alle Schulen befinden sich direkt im Ort... weiterlesen

Jobs and Career Offers

Jobs and Career in Germany or SwitzerlandIf you are a medical specialist, a medical assistant or a nurse with good knowledge of the German language (level C1), apply now at Going International for these specialities:
  • Internal medicine
  • Neurology
  • Anesthesia
  • Radiology
  • Nursing
If you are interested please send us your detailed CV as a Word-document to Please write in the subject line: "GI-Mail 05/2019".

You can also find a wide range of international job vacancies in the job newsletter.
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