Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! In our July-edition, we present you a selection of courses and congresses from various fields of medicine and health, such as Clinical Microbiology, Neuroscience, Tropical Medicine, Global Health and Dezentralisation Work.
Furthermore, we would like to draw your attention to our special of the month where you can read about Mental Health Care and Suicide Prevention.
Are you interested in a new job or a training position for MDs in the German speaking region? Take a look at our jobs & career offers. More jobs can be found in our monthly job recommendation and in the Going International job database. Visit us on Facebook – you will find weekly updated news on topics related to medicine and health. Kind regards,
Gerhard Polak, MD
P.S.: Send GI-Mail to a friend.
ISSN: 2312-0827
Making Decentralization Work: Policy and Management Issues and Implications of COVID-193rd to 14th August 2020, online.  Harvard faculty developed this comprehensive course to better equip policy makers and managers to meet the challenges of decentralization - now even more relevant in the age of COVID and other potential outbreaks. The course addresses policy and management issues related to designing, implementing and managing a decentralization transition. Topics include: financial options, human resources implications, strategic planning, political feasibility, leadership and organizational change, quality management, and negotiation and conflict resolution... read more
1st Tae/Escmid Leadership Academy: Creating Future Leaders in Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology26th to 27th September 2020, Belgrade, Serbia. This year’s ESCMID postgraduate education course in Serbia aims to address the challenges and opportunities in clinical microbiology (CM) and infectious diseases (ID) to provide updates in training curriculum to address shifting needs.This capacity-building workshop has been designed to help trainees and young consultants acquire knowledge and skills in epidemiology, critical appraisal of published material and manuscript writing, develop crucial skills in leadership and management and to provide knowledge and skills to early career scientists... read more
33rd ECNP - European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Congress12th to 15th September 2020, online.  The annual ECNP Congress is Europe’s premier scientific meeting for disease-oriented brain research, attracting neuroscientists, psychiatrists and neurologists from around the world. It is Europe’s largest meeting on applied and translational neuroscience. The ECNP Congress will now be entirely virtual, using digital technology to give you a participant experience that’s innovative, flexible, user-friendly and interactive. To make it as accessible as possible, a whole new fee scale has been developed... read more
ASTMH - American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene Annual Meeting 15th to 19th November 2020, Toronto, Canada.
The ASTMH Annual Meeting is the premier forum for the exchange of scientific advances in tropical medicine, global health and hygiene. The meeting draws tropical medicine and global health professionals representing academia, foundations, government, not for profit organizations, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, military and private practice... read more

Cardiology, Preventive Cardiology, and Pain Management 21st to 28th August 2020, Seattle, WA, USA
29th Edition of World Congress on Nursing Education & Research 25th to 26th August 2020, Dublin, Ireland
European Public Health Master Start: September 2020, Sheffield, UK
Molecular Biology, Epidemiology and Diagnostics of Malaria: Farewell Symposium for Ingrid Felger and Hans-Peter Beck 1st September 2020, Basel, Switzerland
The European and International Congress on Obesity, ECOICO 2020 1st to 4th September 2020, Dublin, Ireland
2020 World Heart and Cardiothoracic Surgery Conference 8th to 9th September 2020, Bangkok, Thailand
An Appeal to Raise Awareness of the Importance of Mental Health Care and Suicide Prevention
by Dr. Andraž Teršek. Mental healthcare and the prevention of suicide are highly important problems of contemporarily society. Mental health is considered to be one of the biggest and most serious health problems in Europe, according to the statistical data of the WHO and EU Commission. During the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic this health problem of the society as a whole has even deepened and expanded. The purpose of this essay is to address these, too often forgotten or neglected problems, at least according to the media agendas, public attention, and the focus of daily political debates on other, completely different issues... read more
Stanford Medicine Study Details Molecular Effects of Exercise Stanford University School of Medicine Researchers at the School of Medicine have shown how exercise changes the body at a molecular level and have identified blood markers of fitness.The test could complement treadmill tests, a more traditional clinical evaluation of fitness, and provide individuals with far more nuanced information about their body’s molecular response to exercise... read more
| Why Precision Medicine Won’t Transform Healthcare – but Governance Could? World Economic Forum Could precision medicine see a resurgence in the post-COVID era? Not without fixing longstanding policy and governance challenges like cross-border data access, ethical technology development, genomic data policies and viability of diagnostics development. That was the message from more than 40 global experts from across the healthcare ecosystem recently... read more
| Q&A: Sexual Violence Survivors and Their Access to Care Should Not Be Forgotten IPS, Italy In marking the sixth annual International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict, experts reiterated how crucial it is to keep accessible services to survivors, as they are being affected in complex ways due to the coronavirus pandemic. Akila Radhakrishnan, president of the Global Justice Centre, said that COVID-19 has been disproportionately affecting women, with higher risks of domestic violence, and difficulty in accessing assistance... read more
| Covid-19 Related Podcasts Just Released from Top Research Fields of the Lancet The Lancet, UK The Lancet released new podcasts on all different topics within the scope of the outbreak of COVID-19. In a packed pilot episode of The Lancet Voice, our EBioMedicine Editor-in-Chief, Julie Stacey, reports on how SARS changed our approach to treating and tracking coronaviruses, Editor-In-Chief, Richard Horton chats with Ben Goldacre about researchers owing the US Government $7bn, and we discuss the planetary health diet... read more

New: Job Newsletter GI-Jobs Are you looking for a new professional challenge? Does your current position no longer meet your expectations? Does your current position offer you all the career opportunities that you are looking for? In our monthly job information "GI-Jobs" we send you the latest jobs for doctors, nurses and public health experts in Germany, Austria and Switzerland - click here to register.
Facharzt (m/w/d) für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie als Fach- bzw. Oberarzt (m/w/d) - Germany* Für ein modernes Klinikum in Rheinland-Pfalz gesucht. Das Klinikum bietet einen vielseitigen, interessanten und verantwortungsvollen Arbeitsplatz in einer eigenständigen, modern ausgestatteten Klinik. Profitieren Sie von guter kollegialer Zusammenarbeit unter dualer Leitung in einem erfahrenen, motivierten und multiprofessionellen Team... weiterlesen (sponsored)
Facharzt (m/w/d) für Pathologie - Germany*
Für ein Akademisches Lehrkrankenhaus in Berlin gesucht.  Am Institut erwartet Sie ein angenehmes Arbeitsumfeld mit abwechslungsreichen Herausforderungen und viel Raum für Eigeninitiative. Profitieren Sie von familiengerechten Arbeitszeiten und attraktiver Vergütung... weiterlesen
Doctopia JobsAssistenzarzt (m/w/d) für Anästhesie
Der leistungsfähigen Klinik ist das Zentrum für Anästhesie, Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin mit 7 OP-Sälen angeschlossen. Neben interessanten und abwechslungsreichen Tätigkeiten im OP und auf der Intensivstation wird Ihnen die volle Weiterbildungsermächtigung innerhalb des Zentrums für Anästhesie sowie die Weiterbildungsbefugnis für „Intensivmedizin“ geboten. Weiters wird in Ihre Personalentwicklung investiert und Sie werden hierbei finanziell an der Teilnahme von Weiterbildungsveranstaltungen unterstützt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier. Assistenzarzt (m/w/d) für Gefäßchirurgie
Als einer der größten kommunalen Klinikverbünde in Deutschland hat die Klinik mit zwei Neubauten eine moderne Infrastruktur geschaffen. In der Klinik für Gefäß- und Endovascularchirurgie verfügt der Klinikdirektor über eine volle Weiterbildungsermächtigung für Gefäßchirurgie (48 Monate) und common trunk (24 Monate). Sowohl das angenehme Arbeitsklima als auch die Entlastung durch nichtärztliches Assistenz-personal und Mitarbeiterförderung machen die abwechslungsreichen Tätigkeiten im hochmodernen Klinikneubau aus. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier. Oberarzt (m/w/d) für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie oder Psychiatrie
Zur Unterstützung unseres Teams innerhalb des Schmerzzentrums der Klinik Löwenstein wird ein Oberarzt (m/w/d) für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie oder Psychiatrie (Approbation als Facharzt in einem dieser Bereiche) gesucht. Neben Vorteilen in der Gestaltungsfreiheit in den Arbeitszeitmodellen wird eine volle Weiterbildungsermächtigung in der speziellen Schmerztherapie angeboten und Mitarbeiter werden in einer flachen Hierachie gefördert. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier. (sponsored) |

Facharzt (m/w/d) für Anästhesie für die Abteilung Anästhesie der Kinderintensiv- und Notfallmedizin - Germany*
Für ein spezialisiertes, eigenständiges Schwerpunktkrankenhaus in Niedersachsen gesucht.  Die Klinik bietet umfassende Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten und es erwartet Sie ein freundliches, patientenorientiertes Team sowie modernste anästhesiologische Versorgung in einer guten Lage mit optimaler verkehrstechnischer Anbindung... weiterlesen(sponsored)
Facharzt – KJP (m/w/d) - Leitungsposition für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie - Germany*
Für ein großes Kinder- und Jugendkrankenhaus in Nordrhein-Westfalen gesucht.  In der Klinik erwarten Sie abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeiten in einer Führungsposition. Weiters zeichnet sich diese Stelle durch die Flexibilität der Arbeitszeitgestaltung und zahleiche Fort- und Weiterbildungsangebote im gesamten Spektrum der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie aus... weiterlesen(sponsored)
* For MDs applicants For your application you will need a German language certificate: level C1 for medical doctors and B2 for nurses as well as for assistants.
Job and Career Offers  Are you interested in working in the German- speaking region? We offer jobs for medical professionals in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. For your application you will need a German language certificate: level C1 for medical doctors and B2 for nurses as well as for nursing assistants. Send us your detailed CV, your letter of motivation and your German language certificate. We will then contact you with information on suitable jobs. See our listing of job vacancies in our job-recommendation.
P.S.: Send GI-Mail to a friend.