Ozempic And Other Weight Loss Drugs Will Only Work With Digital Health
von: medicalfuturist.com, USA Ozempic alone doesn’t promote sustainable weight management and often results in weight regain after discontinuation. If you want long-term success, you need assistance from the digital health arsenal ...
From Reactive to Proactive: How Precision Medicine Transforms the Break-and-Fix Healthcare System
von: medcitynews.com, USA Reacting to an adverse medical event after it has progressed to causing the patient to seek medical help is the least opportune time to address the underlying disease ...
The Netherlands embraces vaccination against Avian Influenza von: avinews.com, USA In recent years, the Netherlands has taken significant steps to protect its population and poultry industry from Avian Influenza H5N1 ... read more
Africa healthcare start-ups focus on sight and sound by: ft.com, USA Two of the companies in this year’s FT/Statista ranking, South Africa’s HearX Group (ranked 10) and Lapaire of the Ivory Coast (14), address the most fundamental needs: hearing and sight ... read more