18th European Health Forum Gastein – official conference start

28. September 2015

Start: 30th September 2015, Bad Hofgastein, Austria.EHFG logo 2015 colour_150

Today, 30 September 2015, the EHFG goes into its 18th round. The main theme “Securing Health in Europe. Balancing priorities, sharing responsibilities” goes far beyond straightforward health security topics, but covers areas as diverse as patient empowerment and e- and m-health, development cooperation, public health security, health systems sustainability and pricing of medicines. Core of the conference are its three Plenaries, the first one of which marks the start of three eventful and interesting days:

The Forum will be launched with an Opening Plenary addressing the very topic that is currently on everybody’s minds. “Securing solidarity in Europe. From Mare Nostrum to Mare Europaeum” features a high-level discussion on the meaning and repercussions of the current refugee crisis for European health systems. The link to notions of European solidarity and responsibility is only too clear. Meinie Nicolai, President of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Belgium is keynote speaker; also among the panellists are Sabine Oberhauser, Federal Minister of Health, Austria, Christopher Fearne MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Health, Malta, Xavier Prats Monné, Director General, DG Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE), European Commission and Santino Severoni, Coordinator Public Health and Migration, WHO Regional Office for Europe.

We are excited for the upcoming conference days. Once again around 600 leading health experts, high-level decision-makers and participants from all over Europe and beyond meet in the beautiful Gastein valley to exchange viewpoints and experience, and discuss the latest health policy developments and new agendas. Amongst others sessions are organised by the World Health Organization (WHO), a number of different European Commission directorates – among them DG SANTE, DG CNECT, and DG DEVCO – and non-governmental organisations such as the European Patients’ Forum.

You cannot make it to the EHFG this year?

Follow us on Twitter: @GasteinForum #EHFG2015, Facebook or LinkedIn

Or have a look at our blog, where interesting reports of individual sessions will be published!

After the conference, webcasts will be made available online on www.ehfg.org


Tip: More up to date educational events dealing with “European Health” can be found online on the Education Database »medicine & health«.