22nd EHFG: A Healthy Dose of Disruption? Transformative Change for Health and Societal Well-being

8. Februar 2019

2nd to 4th October 2019, Bad Hofgastein, Austria.

While we have made considerable advances in health, there are a number of areas that seem to be at a stalemate despite ample evidence on how to move forward. Examples include the topic of health reforms in general, tackling AMR, addressing health inequalities, advancing primary healthcare and making universal health coverage a reality for all.

Even where robust frameworks and roadmaps are in place, for example to deliver on the Agenda 2030 Goals, often changes don’t take place fast enough. The era of disruption is upon us, and provocative action can catalyse changes in areas where we are lacking momentum and leadership to expedite organic transformation.

For the upcoming conference programme, we are looking for future-facing ideas and debates that challenge the status quo, look beyond the classic spheres of health policy and employ creative and innovative approaches to both content and format. You can also read about the EHFG 2019 Main Theme.

The 2019 EHFG Call for Proposals is open – if you would like to apply to become a 2019 Session Partner, please download the Session Proposal Form from our website. Proposals will be evaluated in line with EHFG programme development statutes and criteria, including strength of topic, originality of format, fit to the overall EHFG objectives as well as relevance to the 2019 main theme.

Do not hesitate to get in touch, if you have any questions about the selection process or necessary conditions for session sponsorship – we are looking forward to receiving your submissions! Come and join us for the
22nd EHFG and help us to build a capacity to navigate a better future for health in Europe in these volatile times.

Save the date:


2 – 4 October 2019

European Health Forum Gastein

22nd EHFG: A Healthy Dose of Disruption?

Transformative Change for Health and Societal Well-being

Bad Hofgastein, Austria

Published in GI-Mail 02/2019 (English edition). Sign up for GI-Mail here.  

Tip: More up to date educational events can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.