25th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Managers

19. August 2014


10th to 13th September 2014, Berlin, Germany

“The Healthcare Industry – Our Responsibility Towards People”

… is the keynote theme of the 25th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Managers (EAHM). Health and economics form a particularly sensitive pair of terms. Responsibly harmonising both in the interest of patients – this is the task of hospital managers throughout Europe.

Examples of how this can be achieved are to be found in all the EAHM’s member countries. Irrespective of the differences in the health system, no matter how great – the challenges are similar. We want to discuss these issues and learn from one another. The exchange of experience amongst fellow specialists, constructive dialogue with representatives from politics, business, and science, as well as hearing the views of patients and health insurance companies will provide congress participants with impulses for their own work. We can all profit from each other – in the interest of patients and employees, the healthcare facilities, and the healthcare industry as a whole.

The keynote theme of the 25th EAHM congress explicitly states what is at stake today in the management of hospitals: “ Health sector – our responsibility for the people”. The primary issues are the responsible management of patients and resources, social developments such as an ageing population, the increasing mobility of patients within Europe, and not least, the implementation and financing of innovations, the reorganisation of processes in the clinics, personnel development, and quality management.

In this respect, hospital management in all the member countries of the European Association of Hospital Managers are faced with similar challenges:
The cost pressure faced by many clinic enterprises continues to grow. Thus the necessity of modernising, optimising processes, and investing also continues to grow.

Healthcare has become a media theme. Patients today are well informed. They demand innovative medicine, expect comprehensive information on treatment options, now know a lot about medical technology, and not least, want more service.

Health insurance companies desire more transparency with respect to the quality of services, and naturally, the hospitals are also competing amongst themselves to provide the best quality.

People in Europe are now living longer. This is leading to changed demands on medicine and care, altered occupational profiles and job descriptions, calling for new personnel development concepts.

All hospitals must respond to this challenge. If not, they will no longer be able to meet their responsibility of providing high quality care for patients. They need partners for this – other hospitals, rehabilitation clinics and physicians in private practices, care facilities, but also companies in the industry, in the service sector, and consulting.

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Tip: More up to date educational events dealing with healthcare can be found online on the Education Database »medicine & health«.