27th European meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection

13. Dezember 2016

16th to 19th June 2017, Milan, Italy.

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Dear Colleagues,

it is a great pleasure to extend you a cordial invitation to attend the 27th scientific meeting of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) on “Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection”, which will be held in Milan on June 16-19, 2017.

Given the large amount of high quality research which is carried out in Europe on hypertension and related cardiovascular diseases, a significant portion of the scientific programme will be devoted to original scientific data, via oral and poster presentations of abstracts selected through a peer review process. Poster presentations will be given special visibility through dedicated sessions, structured discussions and final individual commentaries.

The scientific programme will include multiple state-of-the-art lectures, debates and round tables on issues on major current interest and controversy (among which the data provided by recent trials), also with the aim to discuss their impact on future hypertension guidelines. As in the past, the program will reserve a wide space for the practical aspects of the management of hypertension via teaching, how-to, meet the expert and clinical case sessions as well as via sessions reserved for hypertension specialists and ESH excellence centers. An important contribution will also come from satellites organized by the industry.

As usually, the ESH meeting will be held in the Congress Center of the Milan City Fair, which can optimally accommodate the large number of participants and the diversified scientific and educational activities that characterize the European Hypertension Meetings, with also a suitable exhibition space for the industry. The City Fair is only few stops away from the center of Milan (the Cathedral Square) and can be easily reached from major hotels.

I look forward to seeing European hypertensiologists next year in Milan, together with the many investigators and clinicians from the extra-European countries who have in the past always importantly contributed to the ESH meetings.

Prof. Giuseppe Mancia, President of the ESH 2017 Meeting


Find more information on the conference here.

Published in GI-Mail 01/2017 (English edition). Sign up for GI-Mail here.  

Tip: More up to date educational events can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.