17th and 18th September 2015, Zabrze, Poland.
Health for public, public for health.
Welcome to the 2nd V4 conference on public health „Health for public, public for health“.
Tygiel Foundation and School of Public Health, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice and Silesia Division of Polish Public Health Association (PTZP)proudly invite to the 2nd V4 Conference on Public Health „Health for Public, Public for Health”, to be held in Zabrze, Poland on 17-18 September 2015.
Two years after the spectacular success of the 1st V4 Conference on Public Health (more here), that was held in Kosice, Slovakia in 2013, we kindly encourage international scholars, students, physicians and all public health specialists, practitioners and leaders to join us in Zabrze, Poland. We honestly believe you will use this exciting opportunity to join the international forum to share and discuss ideas and experiences, present and publish research results, as well as simply arrange and develop your personal cooperation networks. At the same time, we believe the conference will also be an opportunity to learn about the fascinating cultural and postindustrial legacy of Upper Silesia.
We expect 150 international participants. Although the conference will primarily focus on the Visegrad Group Member States, colleagues from other countries are also kindly welcome!
We look forward to seeing you in Zabrze in September!
Aim of the conference
The basic aim of the conference is to share knowledge and exchange experiences between participants in the issue of building flexible public health systems easily adapting to changing health needs and expectations of modern societies. The conference is primarily addressed to participants from V4 countries, but applications from other countries are welcomed as well.
The invitation to attend the conference is especially addressed to:
– young and experienced public health researchers
– medical doctors
– nurses
– managers of healthcare facilities
– sanitary and epidemiological service workers
– civil servants
– local government staff representatives
– NGOs
– undergraduate and postgraduate students of relevant courses
To register online please click here.
Full registration fee, including
Participation in thematic sessions and workshops, conference materials, a certificate of attendance, coffee breaks and lunches, an invitation to a gala dinner:
450 PLN (ca. 115 €)
Partial registration fee
Participation in thematic sessions and workshops, conference materials, a certificate of attendance, coffee breaks and lunches:
310 PLN (ca. 77 €)
Find the official programme here.