5th Tropical Medicine Excursion to Ghana

29th November – 9th December 2017, Ghana, West Africa.

Practice-oriented training courses in the tropics are essential for healthcare professionals to the prompt, correct diagnosis and treatment of tropical infectious diseases. TROPMEDEX organizes these courses for doctors, physicians, travel medicine practitioners, GP’s, public health experts, nurse practitioners, healthcare assistants, laboratory scientists, pharmacists and paramedics of all levels in Africa.

The TROPMEDEX round-trip excursions are designed for a maximum of 13 healthcare professionals who wish to improve their clinical skills in tropical medicine and travelers’ health in the endemic regions of Uganda, Tanzania and Ghana.
Tropical medicine experts from Africa and Germany supervise individual on-site bedside teaching, laboratory sessions (hands-on microscopy of parasites in the blood, stool, urine and skin) and give lectures (in English) on up-to-date issues in tropical medicine and travelers‘ health in various hospitals and research institutions.

The curriculum covers the epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of the most important tropical infectious diseases. In addition the participants get an insight into the local healthcare systems and explore during medical field excursions the fantastic scenery and prolific flora and fauna of Africa.

General Information

Date: 29th November – 9th Dezember 2017

Tour Operator: 
Titusstraße 16, Cologne

Contact: contact@tropmedex.com

Find more information about Dates & Fees here.

Find more information on the course here.


Published in GI-Mail 06/2017 (English edition). Sign up for GI-Mail here.  

Tip: More up to date educational events can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.




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