7th European Public Health Conference

22. Oktober 2014
Scottish Exhibition and Conference Center- photo taken from the conference Website

Scottish Exhibition and Conference Center- photo taken from the conference Website

19th to 22nd November 2014, Glasgow, Scotland

Mind the gap: Reducing inequalities in health and health care

The EPH Conference aims to contribute to the improvement of public health in Europe by offering a means for exchanging information and a platform for debate to researchers, policy makers, and practitioners in the field of public health and health services research as well as public health training and education in Europe.
Population health professionals, researchers and other stakeholders from all over Europe come together in Glasgow to discuss how health inequalities in Europe effectively can be reduced.

The four-day scientific conference will discuss what needs to be done to reduce health inequalities. Under the chair of Professor Alastair Leyland, University of Glasgow, researchers, policymakers and practitioners share knowledge and experiences from across Europe. Margaret McCartney, General Practitioner in Glasgow and author of ‘The Patient Paradox – why sexed up medicine is bad for your health’ will look into the effectiveness of large-scale health promotion interventions in Scotland. Prof Johan Mackenbach (University of Rotterdam, The Netherlands) will show that national programmes to tackle health inequalities have so far been only partly successful. He will argue that much more needs to be done to overcome this major health issue.

Health inequalities are a persistent problem in European countries. Although health in Europe has improved in recent decades, inequalities in health have widened as well. ‘Health inequalities’ refer to differences in life expectancy and how healthy that life is. Health inequalities are strongly related to conditions of people’s lives, such as income or the area they live in.

In the UK for example, those living in the richer areas will live, on average, 7 years longer than those who live in poor and deprived areas.

Other related conference themes include:

– austerity measures increase health inequalities
– healthy foods are still more expensive and thereby less available to lower income groups
– new technologies may even increase health inequalities
– public health interventions and clinical services for migrant and ethnic minority populations.

About EPH Conference

The annual EPH Conference is an initiative of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) and aims to contribute to the improvement of public health in Europe by offering the means to exchange information and a platform for debate to researchers, policymakers, practitioners, young professionals and students in the field of public health, health services research and public health training and education.

eph-logoAbout EUPHA

EUPHA is an international independent umbrella organization for public health and health care associations and institutes in Europe. As the largest European scientific based network of public health professionals, EUPHA encourages a multidisciplinary, evidence-based health in all policies approach. EUPHA joins forces in order to be a collective European-wide voice advocating improvement of the publics’ health and health services.

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Tip: More up to date educational events dealing with healthcare can be found online on the Education Database »medicine & health«.