The International Festival of Public Health 2016

1. April 2016

IFPH1st July 2016, Manchester, UK.

Following extremely successful Festival of Public Health UKs in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015, the Manchester Urban Collaboration on Health, in association with the Manchester Medical Society Public Health Forum, is pleased to announce that the Festival will be returning on July 1st 2016.

Due to the growing international audience, we have also renamed the Festival as the International Festival of Public Health UK.

The conference prices will be staggered and there will be concessions for oral presenters, poster presenters, students, voluntary sector and the unemployed (if you feel you have another valid reason for concession, please e-mail

Abstract submission is open now, and registration will open soon.

About the Manchester Urban Collaboration on Health

The Manchester Urban Collaboration on Health (MUCH) is part of the Institute of Population Health within the Manchester Academic Health Science Centre at the University of Manchester. Our mission is to perform world-class research applicable to populations locally, nationally and globally. We have a number of international and local projects.

General Infomation

1st July 2016

Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK

The Festival will be held in the Stopford Building, University of Manchester.

Find more information on the International Festival of Public Health 2016 here.

Tip: More up to date educational events regarding “Public Health” can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.