28th International Congress of Pediatrics

10. Mai 2016

IPA-2016-logo-C17th to 22nd August 2016, Vancouver, Canada.

The International Pediatric Association (IPA) and its 168 member organizations invite to join the 28th International Pediatric Congress in Vancouver.

This year’s conference theme, “Community, Diversity, Vitality,” reflects both the host city and the scope of the scientific program.


The program features more than 160 prominent guest speakers among which: 

  • Anthony Lake, UNICEF Executive Director, as the guest speaker for the opening ceremony.
  • Richard Horton, Editor of the British Medical Journal, Flavia Bustreo, Assistant Director General – WHO Family, Women’s and Children’s Health, and Zulfiqar Bhutta, incoming IPA President, are the speakers in the plenary on “Child health – Now and in the Future”, addressing “Global Trends and Progress in Child Mortality”, “Every Woman, Every Child, every adolescent” strategy that marks the maternal and child health agenda post 2015, and “Emerging challenges in child health globally: how can pediatricians contribute to change?“.
  • Robert W. Block, former President of the American Academy of Pediatrics, discussing “Early Childhood Adversity, Toxic Stress and Resiliency”.
  • David Githanga, Chairman of the Kenya Paediatric Association, will talk on “Access to services for children and youth with NCDs in low resource settings”.
  • Robb Butler, WHO Europe, and Noni MacDonald, former President of the Canadian Paediatric Society, will discuss ”Vaccine Hesitancy”.
  • Vikram Patel (India), Susan Sawyer (Australia) and Georges Patton (Australia), each Commissioners for the new Lancet Commission on Adolescent Health and Wellbeing, are the speakers in the Plenary on “The Promise of Global Adolescent health”.
  • Richard Stanwick and Andrew Lynk, former President of the Canadian Paediatric Society, addressing “How to be an Advocate for Children and Youth”.
  • Aluisio Barros (Brazil), from the International Network for Research on Inequalities in Child Health, discussing “Child health interventions – are we on the path to universal coverage?”.


Vision & Mission of IPA

Every child will be accorded the right to the highest attainable standard of health, and the opportunity to grow, develop, and fulfill to his or her human potential.

Pediatricians, working with other partners, will be leaders in promoting physical, mental, and social health for all children, and in realizing the highest standards of health for newborns, children, and adolescents in all countries of the world.

For more information on the 28th International Congress of Pediatrics click here.



Find here the program as pdf.


Tip: More up to date educational events can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.