International Course in Cruise Ship Medicine 2016

15. September 2016

ship-management-logo17th to 21st October 2016, London, United Kingdom. 

Medical Ship Management is now organizing its inaugural International Course in Cruise Ship Medicine. The course covers all important aspects of Maritime Cruise Medicine, focusing on the specific requirements expected of ship’s physicians on board cruise ships. In addition, practical training on Mega Code® devices with simulations of scenarios encountered on board are also included in the course. A Maritime Basic and Advanced Cardiac Life Support (MCLS®) course shall also be provided. The International Course in Cruise Ship Medicine is aimed primarily at doctors of general medicine, anesthesia, surgery and internal medicine who intend to provide individual patient medical care on board cruise ships. The course language will be English.


About Medical Ship Management
Medical Ship Management is an international German based agency that arranges professional placement of ships’ doctors for on-board service. The agency places doctors and medical staff to work as ships’ doctors for companies in the maritime navigation industry (shipping companies and ship owners) and the offshore sector, as well as for charters, sailing clubs and private individuals.


You can find the course details here.ship-1578528__180

Click here to download the flyer.

Click here to download the application form.

The costs are $ 1500, not including accomodation and congress dinner.


Published in GI-Mail 09/2016 (English edition). Sign up for GI-Mail here.

Tip: More up to date educational events can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.