Obstetrics Unplugged

15. September 2016

Botsuana, Africa

7th to 9th October 2016, Herrenberg, Germany.

Humanitarian aid workers that are sent on international disaster missions are often confronted with pregnant women and women giving birth. Important decisions regarding the well-being of mother and child have to be made without suitable instruments or any other support. For those aidworkers that are not specialized in sexual und reproductive health (SRH) this involves a great amount of uncertainties.

The course “Obstetrics Unplugged” is desigend to provide non-specialist humanitarian actors with theoretical and practical knowledge in an experience oriented manner enabling them to gain confidence on the topic of SRH and to secure the best possible outcome for mother and child.


General information

  • Date: 7th to 9th October 2016
  • Location: Herrenberg, Germany
  • Target groups: Doctors, nursing staff & students of medicine
  • Contact: info@plan-p.education
  • Participation fee: 250 Euros for nursing staff & students of medicine, 290 Euros for doctors
  • Language: German (a very good command of the German language is needed)
  • Registration: Click here to get in contact.
  • Information: Find more information about the course here.


Plan P - dare to prepare

Published in GI-Mail 09/2016 (English edition). Sign up for GI-Mail here.

Tip: More up to date educational events can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.