It’s crunch time! – #EHFG2016 on demography and diversity about to kick off

16. September 2016

It is unbelievable, but only one week to go until the 19th European Health Forum Gastein opens its doors. The final programme has gone to print; the most up-to-date information is always available online.

What we are doing this close to the conference? Printing badges, finalising logistics, booking the last flights, putting the finishing touches on decoration, signposts and catering plans.

What we would like you to do? Join health ministers, Nobel laureates, EU officials, public health experts and others in a quest for a better future for health in Europe:

Online registration closes today – so be quick and sign up for three eventful health policy days.

For the spontaneous ones among you there is always the possibility to register on the day.

Don’t forget: for the first time this year we host a satellite event on 27 September, for which you can register separately from the EHFG. The topic: health apps and their place in European health systems. For more information and registration visit us online.

Also, we are very excited to present our new logo:

ehfg_logo-1-768x244-1Firstly, the shape of an amphitheatre is meant to capture the fact that we are a forum. A Forum of thought-leaders, experts, health NGOs, policy-makers, patients, lobbyists, payers, providers, individuals with their own experiences and their own opinions. We are here to help you discuss with persons you would usually not reach, be it due to their geographical or due to their professional distance. The aim: to make our health systems sustainable, shock-proof and inclusive – and keep them that way.

Secondly, you will also have noticed that the new logo is very colourful – just like Europe’s flags! Saying goodbye to the circle of stars does not mean that we say goodbye to the spirit of the EU. While being a neutral platform for health policy debates, we have always based our work on the assumption that exchange across the EU and beyond is something worth striving for.

We are once more looking forward to an exciting conference and hope to see you in a weeks’ time in lovely Gastein Valley!


Published in GI-Mail 09/2016 (English edition). Sign up for GI-Mail here.

Tip: More up to date information can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.