After the conference is…

8. November 2016

EHFG 2016

… before the conference!

But while the theme for the EHFG anniversary next year (we turn 20!) is taking shape, there is still time to review what has been discussed in Gastein this year:

The EHFG 2016 Outcomes are available online. We identified three main themes running through many of the different debates and exchanges at the conference.

  • Future of Europe, including the need for a new, positive European narrative, the reasons for and repercussions of Brexit, and the importance of putting people at the centre of policies.
  • Demographics and Diversity, including recognition of the fact that we need to act early, on time and together to face challenges and realise opportunities linked to demographic change. Also taking centre stage was the potential of migrants and refugees, and the importance of full-fledged integration and holistic planning, e.g. with regard to workforce resources.
  • New Solutions, including the assertion that communication and best practice exchange are key to overcoming macroeconomic weakness. Zooming in on healthcare different worksites were identified, like the need to tackle inefficiencies such as highly fragmented and hospital-centric approaches. Also emphasized was the urgency to find new models of working to ensure sustainable access to (pharmaceutical) innovation.

We are also happy to provide you with photos and webcasts from the conference.


EHFG 2016

EHFG 2016

Mark your calendars already now for:

EHFG 2017

4-6 October 2017, Bad Hofgastein, Austria





Published in GI-Mail 11/2016 (English edition). Sign up for GI-Mail here.  

Tip: More up to date educational events can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.