Humanitarian Assistance

13. Januar 2016

Start: September 2017, Baltimore, MD, USA.

This certificate program focuses on humanitarian assistance in the international health context. The program is a major educational activity of the Center for Refugee and Disaster Response. The Center receives technical assistance from the International Committee of the Red Cross, the Pan American Health Organization, the UN High Commission for Refugees, and various humanitarian agencies and organizations.

Graduates will be able to:

  1. Assess an emergency situation to identify immediate and longer-term assistance needs and additional resources required.
  2. Identify specific health (including psychosocial and mental health) needs of populations affected; plan and implement activities to meet these needs, and monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of assistance provided.
  3. Understand the principles of organization and administration of relief services in collaboration and cooperation with local and international non-governmental organizations, host governments, military forces and United Nations agencies.
  4. Use epidemiologic skills to collect, analyze, and use information about natural and man-made disasters.
  5. Plan and implement disaster preparedness, response and mitigation
  6. Identify disease outbreaks and know how to contain them in a timely manner.
  7. Know the public health consequences of natural disasters and their management.
  8. Outline the basic requirements for a food and nutrition program for a disaster-affected population.
  9. Use the basic principles of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and human rights principles to understand the protection needs of displaced populations and to identify and document abuses.
  10. Have a basic understanding of the political environment and use this to explain the various forces that affect population displacement.

Find more information on the course here.

Published in GI-Mail 01/2017 (English edition). Sign up for GI-Mail here.  

Tip: More up to date educational events can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.