The Medical Master’s Programme of Your Dreams

8. März 2017

Our programmes in Biomedical Sciences and Molecular Mechanisms of Disease offer you the best available preparation for your future career. We want to minimise the impact of diseases for humans and humankind. Smart, global visionaries are needed who want to solve health care issues in the lab and in the field. Join our 2-year Msc degrees and become part of our cutting-edge research institutes: the Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences, the Donders Centre for Neuroscience and the Radboud Institute for Health Sciences.

Read more about the Medical Sciences programmes.


Why study Molecular Mechanisms of Disease or Biomedical Sciences at Radboud University?

  • Participate in a research team and have daily contact with established researchers
  • Translate your research from bench to bedside, as both programmes are set in the hospital
  • Specialise in your own specific field of interest and enjoy our free Dutch language classes next to it
  • Learn from a personal mentor/tutor, who will help with your study programme and career perspective
  • Boost your CV by doing two research internships one of which can be abroad
  • Obtain a scholarship for your Master’s and/or a PhD grant afterwards
  • Experience the Netherlands; a very international, open minded country
  • Graduate from the best Master’s programme in their field in the Netherlands

Change your perspective – Choose Radboud university!


The city of Nijmegen

Radboud University is located in the oldest city in the Netherlands – Nijmegen. The city dates from Roman times when its name was Noviomagus or New Market. Today, it has some 165,000 inhabitants, amongst whom over 20,000 students. It is a safe and friendly place with a rich social and cultural life. Nijmegen lies on the banks of the River Waal, a branch of the Rhine, and has beautiful green surroundings.


Radboud campus life

The university campus in Nijmegen and the Radboud University Medical Center offer a wide range of facilities in only two square kilometers. You can make use of multiple libraries, research facilities, an advanced sports centre, a pub, restaurants, shops and a theater. Most students live in student complexes near campus or in the city center, which is only ten minutes by bike.

More information

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What’s app: +31 6 4695 1068


Published in GI-Mail 03/2017 (English + German edition). Sign up for GI-Mail here.  

Tip: More up to date educational events can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.