14th International Conference on Urban Health

2. März 2017

26th to 29th September 2017, Coimbra, Portugal. 




ICUH 2017 is the only global conference focused on advancing the health of people living in cities worldwide. Cities are the main drivers of national development and present opportunities to transform a nation’s health and wellbeing, so cities must be at the forefront of tackling the global sustainable development agenda.

Reasons to attend ICUH 2017:

  • Identify challenges and strategies for the implementation of the SDGs and The New Urban Agenda
  • Meet experts from across sectors and disciplines to address the broader determinants of health
  • Expand your research and practice networks with colleagues from the global North and South
  • Share urban health challenges and solutions with policymakers and practitioners from high, middle and low income settings
  • Contribute to the evidence base for urban health policies and practice


General Information

Date: 26th to 29th September 2017

Av. da Guarda Inglesa 3
3040-270 Coimbra

Registration: For information on registration and fees please click here.

Program: Find the scientific program here.


Published in GI-Mail 03/2017 (English edition). Sign up for GI-Mail here.  

Tip: More up to date educational events can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.