Winds of Change over Turbulent Seas: the Future of Refugee and Migrant Health in Europe

25. September 2018

28 September 2018, online.

On the 28th of September 2018 WHO/Europe will host the seventh in a series of webinars dedicated to addressing the timely and relevant topic of refugee and migrant health and well-being. The upcoming webinar will discuss the challenges and opportunities in improving the health of refugees and migrants in the context of changing political and social landscape in Europe. The event will be live streamed live from the School on Refugee and Migrant Health in Palermo, Italy.

About the event

Refugees and migrants are an expanding global population of growing social, economic, demographic and political importance. As their numbers increase, Europe’s capacity for provision of healthcare is arguably getting stretched.

Future health challenges related to migration may be more effectively addressed through collaborative undertakings which reaffirm European values and solidarity, and demonstrate their commitment to human rights – including the right to health.

The webinar will look at ways of promoting the health of refugees and migrants in the context of limited resources, growing political and social polarization around migration, widening disparities and new global developments such as creation of new frameworks including the global compacts and WHO global action plan which aspire to provide a comprehensive mechanism to address current and future migration trends.


  • Allan Krasnik, European Public Health Association
  • Santino Severoni, WHO
  • Dominik Zenner, IOM
  • Michaela Told, Graduate Institute, University of Geneva

General Information
Date: 28 September 2018

Time: 13:30–15:00 (web streaming)

Access: (web streaming)

The webinar will also be available on the Knowledge Hub website following the event.

Here you can find more information about this webinar.

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Tip: More up to date educational events can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.