Epidemiological Evaluation of Vaccines: Efficacy, Safety and Policy

1. Februar 2019

1st to 12th July 2019, London, United Kingdom.



The Epidemiology of a Vaccine

Epidemiological research has become an important tool in assessing vaccine protection. Although there are several courses specialising in vaccinology, there remains a gap in teaching about advanced epidemiological tools for vaccine evaluation. This short course fills that gap, providing an in-depth training on current methods used in the evaluation of vaccine efficiency, safety and policy. It aims to address immunisation issues in high, middle and low-income countries.

Who should apply?

The course is relevant to public health professionals and field researchers with a strong interest in vaccine efficacy, safety and policy impact. Although this course focuses on human diseases the same concepts apply to animal diseases. The course is intensive and a good command of the English language is essential. A knowledge of computers and a basic knowledge of Word for Windows and Excel is also essential.

Participants will be expected to have completed a basic post-graduate epidemiology module or equivalent. They should have an understanding of epidemiological measures of disease frequency (incidence, prevalence), measures of effect (odds ratios, risk ratios), the merits of different study designs (cross-sectional, cohort, case-control, intervention studies) and key concepts and implications of sampling error, bias and confounding.

General Information
Date: 1st to 12th July 2019

Course fee:
£ 3,150.00 (discounts for a number of LMIC-participants are available)

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Keppel Street

Fee deadline:
5th April 2019

For further information visit the website of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.




Published in GI-Mail 02/2019 (English edition). Sign up for GI-Mail here.  

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