Challenges in the Diagnosis of Life-Threatening Infections

10. Juli 2019

10th to 12th October 2019, Zagreb, Croatia.


This post-graduate education course is composed of crosscutting modules on the diagnosis and challenges of life-threatening infections caused by classical and emerging pathogens.

Topics are sepsis and respiratory infections in both the community and the ICU, antimicrobial resistance, viruses causing life-threatening infections, fulminant infection patterns, preparedness in outbreak settings, microbiological sampling and molecular diagnostic techniques.

The objectives are to provide an update on the clinical signs and the pathophysiological mechanisms observed, and to assess the range of diagnostic assays available.

The course will include a practical approach with clinical and forensic case discussions and with visual material. At the end of the course, all participants will have acquired key tools for the early diagnosis of lifethreatening infections and they will understand the importance of the interaction between microbiological and pathological results. They will have learned those pathological and microbiological findings to be aware off in the search for the aetiology of sudden deaths.

General Information
Date10th to 12th October 2019.

Palace Hotel Zagreb
Trg J.J. Strossmayera 10
10000 Zagreb

Programme: Find out more about the Course Programme.

Registration: Register online. (Registration deadline: 10th August 2019)

You can read more about this course here.

Published in GI-Mail 07/2019 (English edition). Sign up for GI-Mail here.  

Tip: More up to date educational events can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.