Hacking for Health at the European Health Forum Gastein 2019

9. August 2019

2nd to 4th October 2019, Bad Hofgastein, Austria.

If you want to keep your finger on the pulse of European health and health policy, the EHFG is the place to be. Even more so this year, when we are inviting health professionals, IT specialists, marketing experts and others to join forces and address one of the top 10 threats to global health in 2019vaccine hesitancy. For this purpose, the second EHFG Hackathon will take place back to back with the EHFG 2019 conference. The call for applications for the Hackathon is now closed, but even if you are not an active participant, the announcement of the three finalist teams on the last day of the conference should be worth watching out for.

As an integrative and versatile approach to health policy concerns, the first EHFG Hackathon was organised last year in collaboration with our partner EIT Health. Hoping to build upon last year’s success, 35 experts of different backgrounds and cultures will meet this autumn for another 3-day marathon of exploring innovative but scalable answers to complex questions. The competing teams will present their solutions in front of an expert jury, with the three finalists also pitching their ideas to the audience during the Closing Plenary on October 4, 2019. The winning team will receive prize money amounting to 25.000 euros.

The 2019 contest revolves around one of the most pressing concerns for public health today: vaccine hesitancy, which is threatening to compromise decade-long progress made in fighting vaccine-preventable diseases. In the wake of the anti-vaccination movement’s growing popularity, measles, amongst others, has seen a most worrying increase in numbers. To find tangible solutions, inputs from a wide spectrum of professionals are urgently needed. We hope you join us for the EHFG 2019 and an inspiring round of Hackathon finalists!

Save the date:


2 – 4 October 2019

European Health Forum Gastein

A healthy dose of disruption?

Transformative change for health and societal well-being

Bad Hofgastein, Austria

Published in GI-Mail 08/2019 (English edition). Sign up for GI-Mail here.  

Tip: More up to date educational events can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.