Desert Medicine Course

9. September 2019

12th to 17th January 2020, Sharqiya Sands, Oman.

Join World Extreme Medicine for a new Desert Medicine course in Sharqiya Sands (formerly Ramlat al-Wahiba), Oman. This 6-day course will focus on medical and survival skills needed while working with teams across the world stunning desert landscapes.


Our Desert Medicine team draw from extensive experience across the world’s deserts and will be sharing their knowledge and skills, giving you a comprehensive understanding of how to lead and provide medical cover on desert expeditions.

Over one week our team will take you on a two-part expedition on foot, supported by vehicles and camels through Sharqiya Sands. The desert will be your home for the duration of the course with a brief stop midway for a shower and freshen up. You’ll learn how to overcome the obstacles of the desert and work with the environment to make the most of desert expeditions. The WEM team will guide you through what it takes to keep your expedition team healthy in a desert environment and deliver the clinical skills you will require should anything go wrong.


  • Medical or Allied Health Professional
  • Students in the final year of study
  • Attendance of Expedition & Wilderness Medicine course (or similar) highly recommended
  • Basic navigation skills
  • Basic knowledge of expedition planning
  • Good fitness level

General Information
Start: 12 January 2020, 10 am
End: 17 January 2020, 5 pm
Sharqiya Sands, Oman
You can read more about the Desert Medicine Course here.

Published in GI-Mail 09 & 10/2019 (English & German edition). Sign up for GI-Mail here.  

Tip: More up to date educational events can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.