Professional Certificate in Strategic Health Planning

13. Dezember 2013

24th to 28th March 2014, London, United Kingdom

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Health issues are the most widely covered by the MDGs with three dedicated to health issues alone. With growing populations and restricted budgets, it is increasingly important to know how to plan and organise health systems at any scale, and the strategic importance of negotiation and coordination with the many bodies responsible for health systems, particularly in the developing world.

Course Overview

Examine the international, national and local pressures on health systems, the role of civil society in provision and the design of strategies to develop efficient, affordable and equitable health structures.

Health systems are complex, involving multiple inputs from different policy scales, and having consequent feedback loops into their own existence. Thus, health planning demands wide-ranging knowledge and skills in management, leadership and strategy.

Through discussions with some of the leading and most innovative actors in this field, participants will analyse holistic conceptions of health systems and policies, and build their own capacity in strategic health planning. In particular, participants will develop skills which will facilitate improvements in the organisational capacity of their own health systems, whatever the scale.

This is a specialist training course leading to a Level 7 Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Certificate in Management and Leadership. Upon completion of this week-long course and subsequent written tasks, the successful candidate will be awarded a Level 7 CMI certificate in Management & Leadership showing the CMI units achieved. The CMI is the only chartered professional body in the UK dedicated to promoting the highest standards in management and leadership excellence. The professional qualifications offered by the Institute are internationally recognised and sought after.

How You Will BenefitStrategic Health planning Logo 150x100

– Improve your ability to develop, construct and implement strategic plans in the   health sector
– Analyse influences on policy from multiple actors and negotiation
– Develop capacity within your organisation in human resources for health
– Utilise monitoring and evaluation techniques to construct and grow strategic health plans
– Further your knowledge of policy development techniques, force-field analysis and project management
Click here for further information on why to attend

Topics Include:

  • Relationship between global health governance and health service delivery
  • Human resources in health
  • Strategic planning in health systems
  • Innovation in health technology
  • Health financing and universal coverage

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Tip: More up to date educational events dealing with “Strategic Health Planning” can be found online on the Education Database »medicine & health«.