Better Future of Healthy Ageing (BFHA) 2020

24. Februar 2020

6th to 7th April 2020, Zagreb, Croatia.

Better Future of Healthy Ageing (BFHA) 2020 will bring together researchers, health professionals, representatives of the European Commission and other research and professional bodies from Europe and beyond. It will address one of the most important challenges of the European society – ageing.

This will be achieved through discussions in several parallel panels on three aspects of ageing and health:

  • ageing of biological systems: regenerative medicine, neuroscience, clinical medicine and other fields of medicine with an emphasis on personalized and integrated medicine
  • showcasing the impact of smart technologies for age-friendly ecosystems by providing a discussion on scaling up innovations and solutions for age-friendly environments analysis of the issues of ageing
  • the healthcare system sustainability at various levels (e.g. institutional, regional, state, EU level).

General Information
Date: 6th to 7th April 2020

Andrija Štampar School of Public Health – University of Zagreb
Rockefeller Street 4
10000 Zagreb

For more information and detailed program visit the website.

Published in GI-Mail 03/2020 (English edition).