Online Course: Pandemic Influenza Vaccines – National Deployment and Vaccination Plans

23. April 2020

anytime, online course.

National deployment and vaccination plans for pandemic influenza vaccines represent an important foundation for an effective and efficient pandemic influenza deployment response, which should be reflected in successful vaccination of the target population with no vaccine wastage and optimal operational efficiency. Through a series of short video lectures, this course provides a concise and easily accessible overview of planning considerations for countries to develop and update their national deployment and vaccination plans on the use and deployment of pandemic influenza vaccines.

The course also encloses short quizzes to test your knowledge. It targets professionals in the public and private sectors who are responsible for planning and managing deployment and vaccination operations at all levels as well as WHO headquarters, regional and in-country personnel that could be involved in pandemic influenza vaccine deployment activities.

Learning objectives

  • characterize the main features of a national pandemic deployment and vaccination plan for pandemic influenza vaccines, or in short, a NDVP
  • list key concepts, processes and structures that should be functional to develop and implement a NDVP

General Information
Date: anytime

Location: online course

For more information and detailed program visit the website.

Published in GI-Mail 05/2020 (English edition).