1st TAE/ESCMID Leadership Academy: Creating Future Leaders in Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology

23. April 2020

26th to 27th September 2020, Belgrade, Serbia.

This capacity-building workshop has been designed to help and support individuals as they develop a range of personal and professional skills which will contribute to their effectiveness as the leaders of the future in the field.

Course objectives

This course aims:

  • to address the challenges and opportunities in CM and ID
  • to provide updates in training curriculum to address shifting needs 
  • to help trainees and young consultants acquire knowledge and skills in epidemiology, critical appraisal of published material and manuscript writing
  • to develop crucial skills in leadership and management
  • to provide knowledge and skills to early career scientists and young specialists on becoming emerging leaders in CM and ID

General Information
Date: 26th to 27th September 2020


For more information and detailed program visit the website.

Published in GI-Mail 05/2020 (English edition).