Humanitarian & Expedition Medicine: Simien Mountains

23. April 2020

Ocean and Marine Medicine Training Course1st to 11th November 2021, Debark, Ethiopia.

Ethiopia is one of Africa’s most fascinating countries with an amazing diversity of culture, awe-inspiring landscapes and a fascinating history. The Humanitarian & Expedition Medicine course will introduce you to the concepts of both providing medical back up in remote areas and on expeditions but also the health concerns of the local community and the challenges in delivering humanitarian support.

Climbing the escarpment of the Simien Mountains we will be introduced to the principles of altitude medicine and our time staying in some of the most remote villages in the country will give us a true appreciation of the human need.

Traversing the escarpment on foot we will trek toward the Simien Mountains National Park and an eventual summit height of about 4200 metres. The Simien Mountains National Park covers Ras Dashan, the highest point in Ethiopia and is also the home to a number of endangered species.

Throughout the course, we will deliver short, focused lectures delivering essential content which will be built upon, enhanced and challenged through intense case-based and real-life situations. As a group, we will discuss and evaluate performance allowing us to enhance our skills through each experience.

Both medical and expedition content is integrated to replicate the challenge of real expeditions and humanitarian missions, helping shape your thought processes and enable you to function in extreme and resource-poor environments.

General Information
Date: 1st to 11th November 2021

Simien Mountains National Park

For more information and detailed program visit the website.

Published in GI-Mail 05/2020 (English edition) and 08/2020 (German edition).