7th European Scientific Working Group on Influenza (ESWI)

23. April 2020

06th to 09th December 2020, Valencia, Spain.

The European Scientific Working group on Influenza (ESWI) is looking forward to organizing the 7th edition of its ESWI Influenza Conferences in Valencia, Spain. Over the past years, the ESWI Influenza Conferences have grown into the largest European scientific conferences dedicated to influenza. This edition also welcomes abstract submission on RSV and SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19.

In keeping with its excellent scientific reputation, the upcoming seventh edition will give the floor to the most renowned influenza and RSV scientists, public health experts and healthcare professionals.

The scientific program includes topics such as:

  • Influenza and RSV disease: clinical impact and diagnostic approaches (including disease management in primary healthcare and hospital settings)
  • Virus structure and replication in influenza virus and RSV – latest developments in influenza virus and RSV molecular virology
  • Epidemiology, surveillance and modeling of influenza/RSV/COVID-19 infections, including virus evolution and strain selection
  • Co-infections in influenza and RSV disease

General Information
Date: 06th to 09th December 2020

The Valencia Conference Centre
Avinguda de les Corts Valencianes 60
46015 València

For more information and detailed program visit the website.

Published in GI-Mail 05/2020 (German & English edition).