Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) for
COVID-19 Virus

29. September 2021

anytime, online.

This course provides information on what facilities should be doing to be prepared to respond to a case of an emerging respiratory virus such as the novel coronavirus, how to identify a case once it occurs, and how to properly implement IPC measures to ensure there is no further transmission to health care workers or to other patients and others in the healthcare facility.

World Health Organization

This course will cover the Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) measures required in order to:

  • Be prepared and ready to respond to an outbreak, in particular, the one due to COVID-19.
  • Limit human to human transmission by way of implementing WHO recommended IPC interventions.
  • Identify, isolate and report suspect and confirmed cases.

There are resources attached to each module to help you dive further into this topic.

Learning objectives:

On completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • define IPC and its role in the context of preparedness, readiness and response;
  • describe the current epidemiological COVID-19 situation, including case definitions and signs & symptoms;
  • describe source control, administrative controls and environmental and engineering controls;
  • describe the WHO-recommended IPC measures for health care facilities, including when dealing with suspect or confirmed COVID-19 cases;
  • describe additional IPC measures to be taken to assist in general preparedness within a health care facility.

Course duration: Approximately 1 hour.

Certificates: A Confirmation of Participation is available to participants who complete 100% of the course material.

General Information
Date: anytime


For more information and detailed program visit the website.

Published in GI-Mail 10/2021 (English / German edition).

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