World Mental Health Day 2021

4. Oktober 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on people’s mental health. Some groups, including health and other frontline workers, students, people living alone, and those with pre-existing mental health conditions, have been particularly affected. And services for mental, neurological and substance use disorders have been significantly disrupted.

Yet there is cause for optimism. During the World Health Assembly in May 2021, governments from around the world recognized the need to scale up quality mental health services at all levels. And some countries have found new ways of providing mental health care to their populations.

During this year’s World Mental Health Day campaign, we showcase the efforts made in some of these countries and encourage you to highlight positive stories as part of your own activities, as an inspiration to others.

We also provide new materials, in easy-to-read formats, of how to take care of your own mental health and provide support to others too. We hope you find them useful. Visit our website here.

Campaign slogan

Mental health care for all: let’s make it a reality



Published in GI-Mail 10/2021 (English and German edition).

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