Netherlands Course on Global Health and Tropical Medicine (NTC)

30. November 2021

Start: 7th March, 2022, Amsterdam, Netherlands & online

The Netherlands Course on Global Health and Tropical Medicine or Netherlands Tropen Cursus (NTC) provides essential preparation for health professionals such as medical doctors, nurses, and midwives planning to work in low- and middle-income countries. Participants may be preparing to work in a district hospital at the first level of referral, or intend to participate in health care projects with non-governmental organisations (NGOs).

Many healthcare professionals want to contribute to health in low and middle income countries. In order to make a meaningful and appropriate contribution, meaningful knowledge of the context and of local health problems is vital.

The NTC is directed at health professionals (physicians, nurses, midwives, etc.) and aims to be at the cutting edge of clinical and global health. KIT’s approach puts emphasis on the practical application of knowledge and skills using expertise from students and facilitators. Facilitators are active in the field and have up-to-date knowledge of situations encountered. Therefore we can offer an up-to-date approach to complex global health issues.

Both the facilitators and the students are from various disciplines and countries. This results in a vivid exchange of experiences/viewpoints/knowledge. The classroom sessions are highly interactive to facilitate this exchange. The program is 14 weeks full-time study (including 1 week for examination and graduation).

General Information
Start: 7th March, 2022, Amsterdam, Netherlands & online

online & Amsterdam, Netherlands

For more information and detailed program visit the website.

Published in GI-Mail 12/2022 (English edition).

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