Rise like a phoenix – EHFG 2021 Conference Outcomes

7. Dezember 2021

Over the last two years, health has experienced a rare moment in the political spotlight. How can we harness the current momentum and transform the grim lessons learned into sustainable strategies for a better tomorrow? This was one of the main questions decision-makers, experts and community members from the public and private sector, civil society and science and academia came together to discuss at the European Health Forum Gastein 2021: “Rise like a phoenix – health at the heart of a resilient future for Europe”.

EHFG Conference Outcomes

We are now pleased to present our compact Gastein Outcomes featuring a taster of discussions and key takeaways from across our EHFG 2021 online conference as well as illustrations and animations from colleagues at Think Visual.

One message was clear: to ensure that Europe and the world rise like a phoenix and create a resilient future for a better tomorrow, it will be essential to reach beyond classic spheres of health policy. As summed up by Clemens Martin Auer, President of the European Health Forum Gastein: “It is not only about health! If we want to overcome inequalities in health and beyond, it is about constituting a new social contract. We cannot have resilient health systems if we don’t change the way our societies and politics are operating”.

To dive deeper into topics and takeaways of the EHFG 2021, you can watch all sessions at your leisure on our YouTube channel.

Published in GI-Mail 12/2022 (English edition).

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