Health Care and Management (HCM): From Research to Implementation

7. Februar 2022

21st March to 24th June 2022 (or 20th March to 23rd June 2023), Allschwil, Switzerland.

The Health Care and Management course at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH)
introduces the skills and knowledge needed to work as a public health professional in resource-constrained settings.

Do you want to launch a career in international public health?

With a focus on practical application and interactive training, multinational participants benefit from engaging with experts from various fields and with a diverse student body to advance their position in the health sector.

To find solutions to today’s complex global health challenges, core competencies for understanding and reacting to health challenges in an integrated way are essential, alongside with skills for working in global and interdisciplinary partnerships. Drawing from its global network and its experience in research, service provision, policy advice and education and training, Swiss TPH offers a unique study environment at a world-leading institute in global health for those looking to improve international health and the well-being of populations at local, national and international levels.

To achieve an optimal learning experience, the course employs a diverse spectrum of educational methods, such as individual and group work, lectures, seminars, demonstrations, tutorials and visits, among other activities. The focus is on a lively exchange of experiences, ideas and mutual learning among participants and facilitators, alike. The course participants and teaching team reflect various disciplines, countries and experiences.

The course covers concepts and research methods (social science, epidemiology, statistics), health problems and responses (determinants of health, reproductive and child health, communicable and non-communicable diseases), health system management and transferable skills needed in managerial positions (information, communication and management strategies).

The course is accredited by the University of Basel as a Diploma of Advanced Studies, and within the European Network for Education (tropEd) as a core module for the Master in International Health.

General Information

Date: 21st March to 24th June 2022 (or 20th March to 23rd June 2023)

Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute,
Kreuzstrasse 2, 4123 Allschwil (Basel region)

Language: English

Format: 14 weeks, full-time, on campus.
Due to COVID-19 the course format might be adapted to online/hybrid if required.

Karin Gross, PhD
Head of Unit, Professional Postgraduate Training

For more information and detailed program visit the website.

Get more information!


Published in GI-Mail 02/2022 (English edition).

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