“A moonshot for a true European Health Union?” – EHFG 2022 Conference Outcomes

14. November 2022

Conference Outcomes, 2022.

Three years since the last onsite meeting in the Gastein Valley, the European public health community once more came together to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) and its first ever hybrid conference. Discussions focused on the challenges and policy options for action urgently needed across sectors, borders, and disciplines at this watershed moment for peace, health, security, and solidarity. Against the background of an ongoing permacrisis concerning war, pandemics, the climate emergency, and energy and food crises, stakeholders in health agreed we must all do more to reach for a moonshot beyond the traditional spheres of health policy.

By shooting for the co-creation of a true European Health Union based on new socio-economic models that promote wellbeing, sustainability, and equity we could ensure access to health for all and leave no-one behind, under an overarching “One Health for One Planet” approach.

It was clear that “building forward better” – a mantra oft-quoted in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, requires fundamental transformation of the way our societies operate – and at a minimum requires peace in Europe, supported by political will, collaboration, and unity. EHFG 2022 speakers and participants reaffirmed that only through implementation of concrete and sustainable new approaches at all policy levels can the current momentum for health be realised.

We are now pleased to present our compact Gastein Outcomes featuring an insight into discussions and key takeaways from the EHFG 2022, accompanied by the witty illustrations of Floris Oudshoorn.

To dive deeper into topics and takeaways of the EHFG 2022, you can watch all sessions at your leisure on our YouTube channel.

General Information

Date: Conference Outcomes 2022

For more information and detailed program visit the website.

Published in GI-Mail 11/2022 (English edition).

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