H.E.L.P. in Tokyo 2023

6. Juli 2023

4th to 15th September 2023, Tokyo, Japan.

The H.E.L.P. in Tokyo 2023 seeks to train professionals in the principles and practice of humanitarian action in response to disasters and major health crisis, with a focus on health needs, public health and healthcare responses, humanitarian law and ethics; and contribute to academic training, research and development.



The course provides the public health tools necessary for making appropriate decisions in emergency situations involving large populations. The focus is on needs assessment, context analysis, planning and evaluation of activities, and on humanitarian principles and ethics in the practice of humanitarian action. The main topics include economic security, water and habitat, environmental health, communicable diseases and epidemiology, and other subjects. During the course, the participants are encouraged to share their field experiences. The course prepares the ground for common approaches to public health among humanitarian organizations, thus contributing to better program coordination in emergency operations.


The course is intended for professionals involved in humanitarian action, who have field experience and hold positions of responsibility in humanitarian operations, particularly the following: health professionals, such as doctors, nurses or nutritionists; public health officers and epidemiologists; water and environmental engineers; legal or policy advisers; and people with strategic and managerial responsibilities. 2 As held in Asia, the course in Tokyo will give priority to Asian candidates, particularly those working in countries affected by conflicts or natural disasters.

General Information
Date: 4th to 15th September 2023

Japanese Red Cross College of Nursing-Hiroo Campus
Tokyo, Japan

For more information and detailed program visit the website.

Published in GI-Mail 07/2023 (English edition).

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