Policy Development and Advocacy for Global Health

10. Juli 2023

Self-paced, online.

This course explores why and how health policy decisions are made and how you can engage in the public policy process to improve health equity around the world; presents frameworks to help define public health problems, analyze and prioritize policy solutions, map stakeholder interests, anticipate policy implementation barriers, engage in global health diplomacy and policy negotiations, and develop policy advocacy strategies.  



This online course has video lectures, readings, discussion forums and assignments. 

You can participate in this course as an independent participant or as part of a site with 5 or more people. Participating as a site group provides a forum for discussing course concepts and applying them to local context and customs. If you are participating independently, the online discussion boards provide a forum for these types of discussion. 

The course is taught in English. Participants should be comfortable with written and spoken English.


The course is aimed toward public health and healthcare professionals. To be admitted to the course you must have a Bachelor’s-level degree or equivalent experience in a health-related field. 

Please note that the first offering of the course will be a pilot, thus enrollment is limited. 

Enrollment Fees

You can enroll in this course as part of a registered site group or you can apply as an independent participant

If part of a site group, your site coordinator will manage your group’s enrollment fee. You may be asked to contribute towards this site fee. 

If an independent participant, you will be invoiced based on details and preferences you note in your application. OECD/LMIC rates are based on your current location.  Invoices are sent soon after the application period is over.

General Information
Date: Self-paced

Location: online

For more information and detailed program visit the website.

Published in GI-Mail 08/2023 (English edition).

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