Communication Tips – Honest Language

23. März 2015

Communication tips by Nursing on the Move.

nom-eu-logoAre you a medical professional who uses a foreign language at work?
Boost your professional interactions by trying the following tips.

How you say things can be as important as what you say.  You are more likely to have effective and satisfying consultations with your patients (and colleagues) if you use appropriate language, i.e. language that is understandable, respectful, and honest.

Try the following tips for honest language: even when this is difficult, speak the truth about the seriousness of pamedics-on-the-move-person250x267tients’ diagnosis, their options for treatment and their prognosis

– Try to find out what kind of emotional support each individual patient needs and wants by observing them carefully and listening attentively. It is possible to be both honest and emotionally supportive.
– Ask your patients: What can I do for you now? How can I help you?  Is there anyone you would like to call?  Their answers can tell you whether they are seeking information, or emotional support.

For more information and communication training click here.
Get communication solutions where and when you need them.

Further reading tips:
– Skills for Communicating with Patients
– Vital Signs: Communication Between Health Professionals and Their Patients About Alcohol Use — 44 States and the District of Columbia, 2011


Communication for Professionals logoTip: More up to date educational events dealing with healthcare can be found online on the Education Database »medicine & health«.