Communication Tips – Respectful Language

9. April 2015

Communication tips by Nursing on the Move.

Get communication solutions where and when you need them.
nom-eu-logoCommunication for Professionals is a tool that gives you the words and shows you how to say them in meaningful, professional contexts.
Boost your professional interactions by trying the following tips.

Respectful language

How you say things can be as important as what you say.  You are more likely to have effective and satisfying consultations with your patients (and colleagues) if you use appropriate language, i.e. language that is understandable, respectful, and honest.

Try the following tips for respectful language to reassure patients that you see them as people who have not only medical, but also personal and social needs:

Communication for Professionals logo– Show attention,
– Use descriptive rather than judgemental words. E.g. Why-questions may sound accusatory or disapproving. They make patients think you are suspicious of them or their reasons for doing things. This could lead them to feel uncomfortable and/or to invent reasons for their actions


Dilbert Comics – Communication skills


Further reading on professional communication and communication tips:

Improving Communication in Medical Visits
– Effective physician-patient communication and health outcomes: a review.


Tip: More up to date educational events dealing with healthcare can be found online on the Education Database »medicine & health«.