Communication Tips –Understandable Language

9. April 2015

Communication tips by Nursing on the Move.

nom-eu-logoAre you a professional or a pre-professional?
Do you use a second or foreign language at work?
Do you have a friend who speaks a foreign language at work  or has a cultural background different from colleagues/customers?

How you say things can be as important as what you say.  You are more likely to have effective and satisfying consultations with your patients (and colleagues) if you use appropriate language, i.e. language that is understandable, respectful, and honest.

Communication for Professionals logoTry the following tips for understandable language:

– Simplify (e.g. break long explanations down in smaller parts);
– Make your speech recognisable (e.g. adjust your speed to your patient’s speed, use the same kind of vocabulary, …)
– Explain why what you say is true or important.

Lost in Translation: Challenges and Opportunities in Physician-to-Physician Communication During Patient Handoffs
by D. Solet, J. MD; J.M. Norvell, MD; G.H.Rutan, MD, MPH; R. M.Frankel, PhD
Article published in Academic Medicine: December 2005 – Volume 80 – Issue 12 – pp 1094-1099
Read this Article here.

Culture, Communication and Nursing: A Multicultural Guide
by P. Burnard; P. Gill
Buy this book here.




Meeting at the Crossroads of Communication and Professionalism
18th to 21st June,2015, Philadelphia, USA
Find more information here.

Candid Conversations: Talking with Female Patients
Starts August 2015 until November 2015, e-Learning, USA
Find more information here.

German Communication Training for Doctors
14th to 19th September 2015, Bonn, Germany
Find more information here.

You can find an overview of all communication tips by Communication for Professionals here.




Tip: More up to date educational events dealing with healthcare can be found online on the Education Database »medicine & health«.