Workshop-Sketch Course for Surgeons

24. April 2015

May and October 2015, Vienna, Austria



Over 100 years ago, to become a master of cabinet making, in addition to your ­handicraft years, you had to enlist at the Academy of Fine Arts for half a year. Why is it not necessary for Esthetic Surgery?

Medicine and medical education used to be based on anatomy and morphology. Whereas dimensions have become smaller, biochemistry is dominating most areas of medicine now. While this was beneficial for patients and doctors alike, specialists in morphologic disciplines like general, traumatologic, reconstructive, maxillofacial and esthetic surgery feel a deficit. A deficit in morphology as well as haptic and artistic qualities.

This deficit is subtle. Some colleagues learn these qualities “on the job”. They may make a sketch to educate the patient, may become artists choosing the “right” implant for a given patient or giving good counsel when planning a rhytidectomy. But these qualities are rarely taught as subjects in their own right.

Gustav Sauser, Professor for Anatomy and Histology at Innsbruck and Vienna, propagated his Anatomic Modelling Course, stressing the importance of touch, feeling and observing anatomical forms.

An artist’s approach to life as well as to surgery will improve results considerably in morphologic surgical specialities.

Our course is to propagate these qualities and help colleagues.

In our sketch course you learn

– to better educate patients using a sketch
– to develop your perceptual skills
– to break down three dimensional proportions into two dimensions
– to better mark patients before surgery
– to use a sketch as a graphic operating report
– these drawing skills will enable you to better communicate with patients and are invaluable in patient education

In our modelling workshop

– you will understand the various principles of plastic shaping
– you will experience graphic, haptic and plastic exercises on the morphology of human body parts (e.g. the head)
– you will learn step-by-step the techniques and artistic design of a clay bust portrait
– you will comprehend holistically and selectively, tactically and visually, and you will discover new approaches, perspectives and experiences

Find detailed information about Sketch Course for Surgeons Workshops here.




General Information

Date / Time:
Workshop »Sketch Course for Surgeons: Head«
Friday, 22.05.2015 – from 10.00 am until 6.00 pm
Saturday, 23.05.2015 – from 10.00 am until 6.00 pm

Workshop »Anatomic Modelling for Surgeons: Head«
Monday, 25.05.2015 – from 10.00 am until 6.00 pm
Tuesday, 26.05.2015 – from 10.00 am until 6.00 pm
Wednesday, 27.05.2015 – from 10.00 am until 2.00 pm

Workshop »Sketch Course for Surgeons: Body forms« (extended!)
Monday, 05.10.2015 – from 10.00 am until 6.00 pm
Tuesday, 06.10.2015 – from 10.00 am until 6.00 pm
Wednesday, 07.10.2015 – from 10.00 am until 2.00 pm

Workshop »Anatomic Modelling for Surgeons: Body forms«
Thursday, 08.10.2015 – from 10.00 am until 6.00 pm
Friday, 09.10.2015 – from 10.00 am until 6.00 pm
Saturday, 10.10.2015 – from 10.00 am until 2.00 pm

ateliers of the Kunsthistorische Museum, Vienna, Austria

Mag. Ilona Neuffer-Hoffmann, sculptor and art agent
Dr. Wolfgang Metka, Prim.iR., plastic surgeon

Course Fee:

The participation for the workshop »Anatomic Modelling for Surgeons« – incl. material, entry fees and welcome reception – is € 600,– (€ 500,– for students, residents or surgeons in training).

The participation for the workshop »Sketch Course for Surgeons« – incl. material and entry fees – is € 450,– (€ 400,– for students, residents or surgeons in training).

Combined bookings: For a combined booking of the workshops »Anatomic Modelling for Surgeons« and »Sketch Course for Surgeons« the total participation fee is €950 for both (€ 850,– for students, residents or surgeons in training). For a booking of the modelling workshop in combination with the anti-aging congress »Menopause« you save 10% on both bookings.

Contact Registration:
Registration (at least ten days ahead) and information at or via our registration form.
Maximum number of participants for all workshops: 15.

Tip: More up to date educational events dealing with surgery can be found online on the Education Database »medicine & health«.