Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) Two Year Fellowship

22. Juni 2015

Start: 1st July 2016, Atlanta, USA.





EIS is a 2-Year fellowship program for health professionals interested in the practice of applied epidemiology.
EIS officers are selected from among highly qualified, eligible applicants drawn to public health service and interested in practicing applied epidemiology. Before applying, applicants should consider their willingness to:
– Commit to a 2-Year, full-time program that begins in July 2016
– Relocate to their assignment

Boots-on-the-ground disease detectives


EIS officers provide service to CDC and other public health partners in multiple ways:

– While at work every day, EIS officers provide on-the-job service
– In responding to urgent or emergent public health problems, EIS officers support more than 100 field investigations each year in the United States and around the world


EIS officers learn through both classroom and on-the-job experience in this competency-based training program. EIS is modeled after a traditional medical residency program where much of the education occurs through hands-on assignments and mentoring.

EIS officers learn to apply the science of epidemiology to solve public health problems. About 95% of learning is experiential. The remainder occurs via classroom instruction, case studies, exercises, and e-learning.

All EIS officers attend weekly epidemiology seminars and the annual EIS Conference where they present findings from their investigations and studies. Through these events, they develop their presentation skills. They also meet and learn from fellow officers, CDC epidemiologists, and other leaders in public health and epidemiology, many of whom are EIS alumni.

First-year EIS officers begin each July with an intensive, 1-month orientation in Atlanta, Georgia. The summer course covers biostatistics, public health ethics and law, communication and media training, and other broad public health topics.

EIS officers report to their work assignments in August, immediately after the summer course. In late fall, EIS officers attend a 1-week course on public health surveillance methods and advanced epidemiologic techniques.

Second-year EIS officers complete additional advanced epidemiologic courses via e-learning.

Core Activities of Learning

The EIS program’s competency-based education incorporates prescribed Core Activities of Learning (CALs). All EIS officers must complete the CALs, which enable them to develop proficiency as skilled epidemiologists who can effectively address public health challenges. The CALs are to:

– Conduct or participate in a field investigation of a potentially serious public health problem that requires a timely response
– Design, conduct, and interpret an epidemiologic analysis
– Evaluate a public health surveillance system
– Give a public health talk on original work or field of study
– Give an oral presentation to a scientific audience
– Communicate complex scientific concepts to a nonscientific audience
– Create a visual aid or graphic to illustrate scientific findings
– Write and submit an abstract as first author
– Write and submit a scientific manuscript for a peer-reviewed journal as first author
– Write and submit a concise public health update that communicates timely information as the primary author
– Provide service to the agency


The Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) is now accepting applications for the class of 2016. We are seeking highly qualified candidates to serve as our country’s boots-on-the-ground at the front lines of public health.

If selected, EIS officers may be assigned to work in the areas of infectious or non-infectious diseases, global health, chronic disease, injury prevention, environmental, or occupational health. Successful candidates will demonstrate through their applications that EIS is a logical career path, and that they will benefit from the applied training through service that historically defines the EIS program.

eis-disease-detective-150x168We are particularly interested in applicants whose coursework and experience indicate flexibility to be placed in a variety of different assignments and a record of high academic achievement, teamwork, innovation, and leadership. Highly qualified candidates will also demonstrate an interest in a career of working in public health through the course selection in their academic transcripts, research or dissertation work (if applicable), or prior experiences with governmental or non-governmental public health agencies.

Find more information about Epidemic Intelligence Service on the official Website of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Apply for the 2-Year  EIS Fellowship here.



Tip: More up to date educational events dealing with healthcare can be found online on the Education Database »medicine & health«.