7th International Congress for Gender Medicine (IGM)

24. Juli 2015

 The-International-Society-of-gender-medicine-IGM-650x8020th to 23rd September 2015, Berlin, Germany.

This Congress of the International Society of Gender Medicine will provide a platform for physicians, scientists and other professionals from a large variety of disciplines who are interested in the science of gender and sex specific medicine. The purpose of the IGM congress is to discuss gender and sex specific medicine in an international context by promoting excellent research in basic sciences, clinical medicine and public health. The IGM congress has the same goals but will also focus on the communication between junior and senior researchers in gender medicine. Both will offer the best science as well as ample possibilities for exchange and discuss the present options to include gender into research, clinical medicine and public health.

An outstanding scientific program will feature cutting edge state-of-science lectures, will offer opportunities to discuss your findings and follow novel developments in the field. Finally, we will give you an impression of the exciting city of Berlin.




– Aging
– Brain, Memory
– Cardiology
– Drug Interaction
– Gastroenterology
– Gender and health policies
– Immunology
– Implementation of Gender Medicine
– Metabolism
– Oncology
– Psychiatry
– Sex-specific medicine and personalized medicine
… and more

Who should attend:

– Basic Scientists
– Cardiologists
– Dieticians
– Endocrinologists
– Gastroenterologists
– Students in medicine
– Students in all biomedical disciplines
– Any academic professional who is involved in the diagnosis and treatment of men and women.

General information

20th to 23rd September 2015, Berlin, Germany

Luisenstraße 58/59
10117 Berlin, Germany

Programme Committee:
Prof. Marek Glezerman, Israel                  Dr. Ute Seeland, Germany
Prof. Vera Regitz-Zagrosek, Germany       Nauman Tauseef, Germany
Dr. Sabine Oertelt Prigione, Germany       Stefanie Schmidt, Germany


Please click here for online registration.

You can find all information and programme details about the 7th International Congress for Gender Medicine on the offical website.


Tip: More up to date educational events dealing with healthcare can be found online on the Education Database »medicine & health«.