Paris World Health Organization Simulation

19. August 2015

25th to 27th September 2015, Paris, France.

The Paris World Health Organization Simulation (ParisWHO) is a 3-day student-led conference hosted in beautiful Paris, France by members of the Secretariat & EHESP. As the hub of all public health networks, this annual event will be the first of its kind in Paris and will follow the configuration of a traditional World Health Organization simulation.

With the idea to gather students & young professionals from all over the world with various academic and professional disciplines, ParisWHO aims to introduce and educate students with the realistic roles of a WHO World Health Assembly meeting. This event will provide participants with an opportunity that goes beyond classroom teachings or literature based research projects in global health policy. ParisWHO simulation fills a gap in our public health education, while also serving as a call to health professionals and students from other fields to become proactive in global health policy.

A simulation of a WHO World Health Assembly meeting aims to: 

– Mimic the political, social, cultural and economic realities defining global health policy
– Target (but not limited to) future health professionals; open to students from a plethora of diverse programs
– Encourage interprofessional education
– Prepare delegates to take on the role of a country, important individual, reporter, company or NGO representative

In which they will:

– Debate, discuss, and write up a legislation (known as a “resolution”) while staying true to their role
Forward voted resolutions, collected by IFMSA and sent to the WHO headquarters for consideration

Paris-WHO-150x152How will you benefit? 

Gain a fresh perspective on global health issues through the lens of each country discussed at the conference
Reveal economic, social, cultural, and political context surrounding global health issues
Learn to read and write global health policies and develop leadership, public speaking and organizational skills
Grasp crucial skills essential to global health diplomacy; i.e. country fact based knowledge, knowing one’s allies and ‘enemies’, body language, good interpersonal skills, etc..
Opportunity to hear from individuals at the forefront of global health policy via speakers and workshops at the conference
Produce a resolution by the end of the conference

General information

Date: 25th to 27th September 2015

Université Pierre et Marie Curie
4 place Jussieu
75005 Paris

Please click here for online registration.

FInd the offical programme here.


Tip: More up to date educational events dealing with “Global Health” can be found online on the Education Database »medicine & health«.