EUPHA’s 6th European Conference on Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health

14. Oktober 2015

23rd to 25th June 2016, Oslo, Norway.



The EUPHA Section for Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health and The Norwegian Center for Minority Health Research (NAKMI) are hosting the 6th EUPHA Conference on Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health 2016 in Oslo.

‘Equity – the Policy Practice Gap in Health’ is the theme of the Conference. The conference will focus around the following major tracks:

– Socio-Demographic determinants

– Political determinants for health and the policy environment (including entitlements, economic factors and ethical challenges)

– Access and quality of health care services; disparities and inequities

– Social exclusion and marginalization

– Health system responsiveness to diversity; Good practices

– User involvement and participation; Empowerment and levers for change

– Professional Training and Education

– Policies and practices affecting the living and working conditions that impact health; work safety

This conference provides a unique opportunity for all the stakeholders in the health care sector to meet, share, discuss and debate the issues related to equity in health. Inequalities in health and ethical considerations remain high on our agenda. Furthermore, cross-border sharing of information will include: best practices, prioritization, user involvement and participation, access to services and information and advancing the competence and skills of health personnel.

Notwithstanding the strides in research in the field of migrant health the pace of change in European countries are slow. User involvement is limited and the potential for improving health through empowerment of the users remains untapped. Researchers and practitioners must continue to generate evidence that provides the basis for policy and practice. The skills of health professionals must be furthered to develop approaches for adapting interventions. The 6th EUPHA MEMH conference will build on the gains of past conferences and further the unfinished agenda.

General information

Date: 23rd to 25th June 2016

Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences
Campus Pilestredet
Building P32
Oslo, Norway

Program: Find the official program here.

Register: For information about registration and deadlines go here.



Tip: More up to date educational events regarding „European Health“ can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.