Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute Short Courses 2015/2016

22. Oktober 2015

In 2016, the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) will offer several courses in international/global health, targeting working professionals who want to broaden their knowledge and skills in this field. Swiss TPH has long-standing experience in teaching at local, national and international levels and cooperates with many institutions and experts all around the world. For more details on our course offerings, please visit our homepage.

To ensure quality, all courses have a limited number of spaces to guarantee intensive student-teacher interactions. Swiss TPH courses promote an atmosphere of mutual learning – students are seen as experts in their field and their contribution to the lectures and to the group activities are strongly encouraged and very welcome.

We ask you to forward this announcement to all interested colleagues within and outside of your organizationSwiss TPH-teachingQR_75

Best regards, on behalf of the course organizing team,

Bernadette Peterhans
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute

Short Courses

Health and human rights issues affecting people in detention.

14th to 18th December 2015, in collaboration with the International Committee of the Red Cross, in Basel, Switzerland

Health District Management

14th November to 2nd December 2016 in Ifakara, Tanzania

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Be part of a new generation of managers and leaders in global health.
Programme start: March/April 2016
Application deadline: 28th February 2016

Diplomfeier im Bürgerratssaal HCMTC 2014. Auf dem Bild links, Marcel Tanner Swiss TPH. Weitere Bilder sind vorhanden! Copyright by Rolf Duerr Riehenstrasse 22, 4127 Birsfelden

Diploma ceremony in the Bürgerratssaal HCMTC 2014. Pictured left, Marcel Tanner Swiss TPH.
Copyright by Rolf Duerr
Riehenstrasse 22, 4127 Birsfelden

Swiss TPH, HCMTC 2013: Gruppenarbeiten im Seninarraum 3. Dozent K.P. Schmitz aus Deutschland. Weitere Bilder sind vorhanden! Copyright by Rolf Duerr Riehenstrasse 22, 4127 Birsfelden

Swiss TPH, HCMTC 2013: Group work in seminar room 3. Lecturer K.P. Schmitz from Germany.
Copyright by Rolf Duerr
Riehenstrasse 22, 4127 Birsfelden



















For other Swiss TPH courses and up to date information click here.

For information and application forms, please contact:

Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
Course Secretariat
Tel  +41 61 284 82 34
Fax +41 61 284 81 06
P.O. Box
CH-4002 Basel


Tip: More up to date educational events regarding „Tropical and Public Health“ can be found online in the
Education Database »medicine & health«.